Chapter 465 Are You Threatening

MeBai Liwei felt a little funny.

"You are not sure whether I really like it or not, but spent four million and five hundred thousand to buy it. Do you think it is really worth it? You are a businessman."

It was a big loss.

Ji Anbei just gently weighed the small box in his hand, and the smile at the corners of his mouth was casual as if he was just stating an unremarkable thing.

"If this is what you like, then it's worth the price."

His voice was neither loud nor low, but it was enough to be heard by the people around him.

Everyone exclaimed and began to admire Bai Liwei.

Something was wrong!

Bai Liwei lowered her head. Why did she become the protagonist of the auction?

"Why do you suddenly become so sweet?"

With a smile on his face, Ji Anbei didn't mind the envious gazes from the crowd at all. He held the small hand of Bai Liwei with the other hand.

At this moment, happiness seemed to spill out between the two of them.