Chapter 199 Maltreated Harrington

Soon, Locke arrived at the practice field behind the castle. The practice field was originally for his magic practice, but recently it was occupied by Thanatos and Harrington.

The reason why it was taken up by Harrington and Thanatos was that there was another story.

Since Harrington lived in the Scilar Magic Academy, she had been following Thanatos almost every day.

Sometimes, Locke could not help but sigh about how could Harrington tolerate the cold Thanatos?

Under the persuasion of Harrington, Thanatos finally couldn't hold on any longer. He promised to take Harrington as a student and teach her fighting skills.


As soon as Locke stepped into the gate of the training ground, he saw a human-shaped black figure flying over from a distance, smashing hard on the wall of the practice field, and then creating a huge human-shaped hole on the wall.


As soon as the broken pieces fell, Locke saw dirty Harrington climb out of the broken wall.
