Chapter 229 Desperate Situation

As the war was coming, Locke haven't had a spare moment, he discussed with Athena and others how to deal with the enemy. The territory of Lister had expanded by three times, but only the original land of Lister had city walls, and the other places had no defensive ability at all. Therefore, he decided to gather the population to the main urban area.

Under the arrangement of Locke, people entered the main urban area of Lister in order. Although a large number of people poured in, the entire main urban area was not too crowded. Under the supervision of the patrol house, the operation of the main urban area in an orderly manner.

At the same time, in the Yalar City of Rishin County.

On the street, broken arms and legs were all over the place, and the blood had collected in a small stream. Groups of soldiers of the Barker Kingdom were searching every inch. Beautiful women were caught, and men were all killed.