Chapter 5 New Skills

"Since you are the first player who has been attacked by a monster for half an hour without moving, you can unlock the hidden achievement 'Solid as A Rock' and obtain the only passive skill 'Impregnable Standing'.

"Since you are the first player who hasn't been hurt by the monster in half an hour, you unlock the hidden achievement 'King of Defense' and get the only passive skill 'Injury Reflection LV1'"

Seeing the prompt of the system, Jack immediately opened the skill bar to check the skill effect.

"'Impregnable Standing' can increase 60 defenses forever!"

"'Injury Reflection LV1' counterattacked the attacks from the player to the attacker in proportion (the current proportion: 100%, this passive skill does not need to cool down). Condition upgrade: 'Two-Star Demon Core*1'."

After reading the skill introduction, Jack couldn't help smiling.

In addition to the skill hint, there was also a hint of upgrading.

Half an hour later, Jack's level was directly raised to level 5.

"Open character attribute panel."


"Player: Invincible Hulk"

"Level: LV5 (0/320)"

"HP: 160/160"

"Mana: 50/50"

"STR: 1"

"INT: 0"

"AGL: 0"

"DEF: 82"

"Property Points to Be Allocated: 20"

"Equipment: rusty dagger, devil rabbit leather pants."

"In such a short time, there is no one who can even upgrade four levels."

Jack grinned from ear to ear.

His defensive power had increased by 60 and his level had also increased to five. How could he not be happy?

After checking the attribute panel, Jack looked around.

No wonder he could upgrade rose so fast. It turned out that more than 50 demonic rabbits had come in just half an hour.

In the New World, players would get five Free Property Points for each upgrade.

Moreover, if the Mana and HP were increased by one level, the Property Points would be increased by 10 points.

Jack wasn't in a hurry to spend the Free Property Points. He kept them until he finished the task.

Then he put the corpses and items of the monsters beside him into his backpack.

He opened the task list.

"Commission from the mayor of Orlando"

"Killing the devil rabbit 20/52, devil rabbit skin 20/52."

Now that he had finished his task, he didn't stop and walked towards Orlando town.

It was time to hand in the task.

On the way, he began to study the skill he just acquired, "Injury Reflection".

From the explanation of this skill, this skill could be directly called a miraculous skill!

Now the rebound damage was 100 percent of the damage.

It meant that the higher the attack's level was, the higher the backlash would be.

Moreover, this skill could be upgraded. The higher the level was, the higher the bounce rate would be.

Then he could stand there in the future and defeat his opponent without making a move.

However, Jack had never heard of the Two-Star Demon Core, so he had to let go of the idea of the upgrade first.

"It doesn't matter. Level 1 is enough for me to use for a period of time."

Thinking of this, Jack smiled again and went to Orlando town. He found the mayor and directly submitted the task.

"Brave man, thank you so much!"

"These demonic rabbits are so hateful. It seems that I can finally recover this year."

The mayor of Orlando took the rabbit skins from Jack with a big smile on his face.

"Congratulations on completing the newbie quest!"

"Please choose your task reward: 'Iron Dagger', 'Iron Sword', 'Wooden Stick', 'Wooden Bow', 'Wooden Shield'. You can only choose one piece of equipment as the reward."

Looking at the row of equipment awards, Jack clicked on "Wooden Shield" without saying anything.

"Congratulations on obtaining the 'Wooden Shield'!"

"Wooden Shield"

"Quality: White"

"Property Enhancement: HP+20, DEF +5"

"Endurance: 100/100"

"Not bad."

Looking at the Wooden Shield in his hand, Jack nodded.

It was a shield made of wood, completely occupying Jack's right arm.

It didn't have a good shape.

Maybe this was how the new equipment worked.

When Jack was about to turn around and leave, the mayor of Orlando suddenly spoke.

"To thank you for your contribution to our town, I'll teach you a skill."

As soon as he finished his words, Jack heard the prompt tone of the system.

"Ding! You have acquired the newbie skill 'Shield Strike'. Do you want to learn it?"


The next second, the skill "Shield Strike" appeared in Jack's skill bar.

"Shield Strike" took 5 rule power to activate it, 8 seconds of CD.

"Explanation: The damage of the Shield Strike has something to do with the DEF of the player. The higher the DEF of the player is, the more serious the damage will be."

Looking at the "explanation", Jack touched his head.

The higher the DEF was, the more serious the damage would be?

'Am I the only one who has this skill?'

When Jack was lost in thought, a player with an Iron Sword shouted.

"Wow! Look at my Heavy Blow!"

The Iron Sword hit the cock hard on the roadside.


The cock was thrown away by the "Heavy Blow".

Seeing this, Jack finally understood.

No matter which weapon he chose, after completing the newbie quests he would obtain the newbie skills, and the damage of these newbie skills was related to the attribute of the player.

Just now, the player with the sword, "Heavy Blow", the damage was related to the player's strength. The higher the STR was, the higher the damage would be.

The damage of 'Shield Strike' depended on his defensive power.

Jack added all the 20 points he got from upgrading to the DEF.

Now his DEF was over 100, reaching 107 (with the DEF of the Wooden Shield 5 and the DEF of the devil rabbit leather pants 2).

It could be imagined how much damage he could cause if he used the Shield Strike now.

"Hey, buddy, can you tell me why you chose the Wooden Shield?"

A man with an Iron Sword walked up to Jack and asked.

The man's head showed "Roger Rod Overlord", which was the game ID of that man.

He was also followed by several other players who had all kinds of weapons, but they didn't have a Wooden Shield.

"Well, do I need a reason to choose Wooden Shield?"

Jack was confused.

"Ha-ha, this newbie doesn't even know this."

"It's not that you can't choose. It's just that if you want to beat a monster with your Wooden Shield?"

"It's so funny. I'm afraid it will be smashed directly, won't it?"


"Roger Rod Overlord" and his friends began to laugh at Jack.

Jack cast a casual glance at them, turned around, and left.

"No, buddy. Can you show us what your skill is? There is no Wooden Shield here. You are the only one here."

"Roger Rod Overlord" suddenly put his hand on Jack's shoulder and stopped Jack.

"Hey, guys, who haven't seen the Wooden Shield skill before? There is a one with the Wooden Shield here!"

People around the man began to shout.

"Who is it? Who wants to see the skill of the Wooden Shield? Come to me."

Another voice attracted everyone's attention.

Jack followed his gaze.

It was a blonde man with thick eyebrows and small eyes who spoke. His ID was "Gallant Lad".

He was very strong, and with the Wooden Shield in his hand, he looked a little handsome.