Chapter 9 You Are Annoying

"Now I have 300 gold coins, which is equivalent to 30000 dollars. What a great fortune!"

"I didn't expect that I would make so much money after playing this game for less than one day. It seems that I will have a good time in the future."

Jack seemed to see the bright future.

"Well, I have level 10 now. It's time to go back and hand in the task. By the way, I'll sell the equipment I don't need and then go on the transfer task."

Then Jack walked out of the forest.

But not long after he left, a group of players appeared in front of him.

Especially Jack knew the leader of the group.

"Oh, you're back!"

Jack was so happy that he greeted "Handsome Groot" when he saw him.

"Yes, I'm back."

He was in a bad mood and didn't pay much attention to Jack. Instead, he focused on walking forward.

Noticing that he was in a bad mood, Jack didn't say anything more and was about to leave.


"You! It's you!"


All of a sudden, Groot's voice sounded like he was roaring.

"What are you doing?"

Jack was puzzled by his way of shouting.

He acted like someone had owed him millions just now. Why did he act like someone had stepped on his head and peed?

"Where is the BOSS I was hitting before?"

"You were here at that time. What did you see?"

After the questions, the players who followed him began to slowly gather towards Jack.

The atmosphere became depressing.

Facing the glare of the crowd, Jack replied unhurriedly, "Ah? The huge wolf just now?"

"I don't know. The BOSS is so powerful that I ran away directly."

"Damn it, fuck the BOSS!"

Upon hearing Jack's explanation, Groot cursed.

"Everyone splits up and looks for other members of the casting guild nearby."

"As long as someone finds them, just contact each other!"

"BOSS must have been robbed by other members of the casting guild!"

He ordered immediately.

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone agreed and began to act separately.

It seemed that a large-scale battle was going to take place here.

Jack shrugged helplessly and walked towards Orlando town.

He didn't want to get involved, not to mention that he killed the BOSS.

About ten minutes later, a player found Groot.

"Brother, I always feel that something is wrong."

"There was something wrong with Hulk just now!"

Groot looked at him with an unhappy face.

"You didn't tell me when he was here. You didn't tell me until he left for so long? Was your head hit by a car?"

The player didn't care about what he said. Instead, he explained, "Sir, do you think an ordinary player would be so calm after escaping from the BOSS and meeting so many of us?"

"Anyway, you must be a little nervous, right? But the player looked as if nothing had happened just now."

"I don't believe that he has nothing to do with that BOSS."

"Even if it has nothing to do with the BOSS, your equipment is likely to be in his hands!"

After listening to the player's explanation, Groot thought for a while and patted his head.

"Damn it! Why didn't I think of it? That guy was cheating us!"

"You, ask someone to take him back. If you can't, you have to explode my weapon!"

"I'll give you 1000 dollars as long as you finish it!"

"Yes, sir!"

The players agreed excitedly and immediately gathered people to go.

The reason why Groot was in such a hurry was that he bought the scepter for 100 thousand dollars.

Jack was walking leisurely a few hundred meters away from Orlando town.

He had encountered several monsters all the way here. Without even raising his hand, the monster fell to the ground.

He had gained some experience.

"Well, you!"


"Well. Hulk!"

Jack could see Orlando Town, but he was stopped by a voice from behind.

"Yes? Who called me?"

Jack turned around in confusion.

Eight players with iron swords were running towards him.

They were too tired to catch their breath.

"Are you with Groot?"

Jack asked, looking at the first player named "Garuru".

"Yes, we are with Groot."

"Oh, no! You're such a glib guy. Hand over my sir's equipment. Don't talk nonsense!"

The man came to Jack and suddenly changed his tone and looked at Jack fiercely.

The other seven men surrounded Jack instantly and raised their iron swords.

"Hey, why are you so unreasonable?"

"I didn't take your brother's weapon. Do you want to fight now?"

In the face of such a siege, Jack didn't seem to be panicked at all, and his expression was still calm.

"Well, if you don't listen to me, we have to do it."

"Three seconds, I'll give you three seconds. If you don't hand over your equipment, you won't be able to walk back to Orlando town alive!"

Garuru looked at Jack arrogantly.

However, the threat didn't shake Jack's calm face.

"Just do it. I didn't take it anyway."

"But I still have to remind you that if I were you, I would not choose to attack."

Jack shrugged, turned around, and was about to walk on, ignoring the man in front of him.

"Do it!"

Garuru ordered directly.

The seven of them used the "Heavy Blow" with iron swords at the same time.







Jack's body was full of zero, while the seven people were all covered with digital injuries, and all of them fell to more than half-blood.

And the seven of them were beaten back a few meters by a rebound force.

"What happened?"

"Do you all eat trash?"

It seemed that Garuru didn't figure out what was going on. Instead, he was very angry.

He raised the iron sword in his hand and jumped up to hit Jack with a "Heavy Blow "

"To be honest, you are annoying!"

Jack seemed to be a little impatient. Without looking back, he "Shield Strike" behind him.




103 was hurt by Jack, and 70 was bounced back.

With a flash of white light, Garuru turned into a shadow and disappeared.

"What happened?"

"Is that a human injury?"

The seven men were dumbfounded as they stared at the wound floating in the air.

"Come on, you guys try again?"

As he spoke, Jack crooked his fingers at the other seven people with interest.

"Damn it! Does this guy look down on us?"

"I don't believe we can't defeat him!"

"I'll report him if it doesn't work! He must have been cheating!"

As they spoke, the seven men rushed towards Jack at the same time.