Chapter 37 Arrived at Dragon City

"Hurry up! Eat! We have a new activity."

Jack picked up his pace to eat.

Since it was a new activity, he must attend it!

Just now, he had earned a lot from "The Demonic Beast Fam". He must have a try at the new event!

After dinner, Jack put the Queen and Squeak into the pet zone and came to the square of God-King City alone.

When Jack arrived at the square, it was already crowded with people. Many players stayed there, seeming to be waiting for something.

Jack stood at the outermost part of the square. He could see a huge stone gate in the center of the square. No one knew what was behind the stone gate.


"Please listen to me!"

Jack didn't stay long. Suddenly, a platform of stone appeared at the stone gate, and an NPC stood on the stone platform.

"Warriors, first of all, welcome your arrival. Thank you for taking responsibility for the safety of the God-King Empire."

"Now, let me tell you the use of this stone gate."