Chapter 49 Unpack the Gift Box

When Jack looked at the number of Tokens, the first number he saw was 9!

Then, there were five figures!


Nearly 100,000 Tokens!

Although Jack knew there would be a lot of Tokens, he didn't expect that there would be so many Tokens.

With so many Tokens, he could even buy 19 S-level plots!

Purple equipment could even be bought in 48 pieces!

Jack was overjoyed.

After a while, Jack was sure that he wasn't dreaming. Then he clicked on his personal attribute panel.

"Player: Invincible Hulk"

"Level: Lv.36 (4300/980000) (The inheritor of the God-King Shield)"

"HP: 3190/3190"

"Mana: 1700/1700"

"STR: 0"

"IQ: 0"

"AGL: 0"

"DEF: 900"

"Property Points to Be Allocated: 55"

"Equipment: God-King Shield (Form of Shield), Rock Armor"

"Skill: Shield Strike, God-King Flash, and God-King Power."

"Passivity Skill: Impregnable Standing Lv2, Injury Reflection lv4, God-King Body."

He still focused all his attribute points on DEF.