Chapter 94 Rock Giant

Kelly remained calm and took out an arrow on her back. She bent the bow and set the arrow, preparing to kill the man and obtain Token.

"The jungle terrain is more suitable for Archers!" Kelly murmured to herself.

The arrow in her hand was captured from the first Archer she killed after she entered the trial space.

Although Kelly was not an Archer because the trial space had adjusted the attributes of the players, each player could choose his or her own weapon at will, but he or she could not use the corresponding skill.

However, with the rich game experience accumulated over the years, Kelly soon mastered the use of a bow and arrows and became more and more proficient in it. If she only competed with some professional players in archery, she was afraid that they could not compare with her.

Aiming at the enemy ahead, Kelly pulled the bowstring.


Arrows shot out.
