Chapter 119 It's Really Just a Replica

"Respectful warrior, please listen to me," Cade said respectfully.

"The door of hell opened, and countless demons appeared. The Celestial Empire fell, and Castellan of the God-King City died, causing the flood of demons."

"At this critical moment, many warriors worked together to repel the demons and made other empires avoid being attacked."

"However, the Celestial Empire was still destroyed without the protection of the God-King."

Upon hearing this, Jack was shocked. Only the Celestial Empire was destroyed? But why was it the whole continent before?

"What about the other warriors?" Chyna asked.

There were too many loopholes. After the earth was attacked by Harry and Harry was defeated by Jack, it turned out it was only a replica.

"The rest of the warriors are scattered. Some of them went to other empires, and some were in Nora Empire," Cade said respectfully.


"Task hint, please choose an empire to go. Task reward, the demon-eliminating warrior medal."