Chapter 128 The Bright Relic

After sending the four girls away, Jack was about to go back to the small world to have a rest. At the resurrection site in the dark night forest, a white light lit up.

"The warrior who can kill demons. I didn't expect to meet you here."

It was Amy, whom Jack had met before.

"Miss Amy, why are you here?" Jack was stunned.

Wasn't Amy supposed to stay at the border of the Esmira Empire? After all, she was the NPC who invited players to Esmira Empire.

"The empire has sent me a task to investigate the dark night forest."

"Warrior, are you free now? I want to ask you for a favor," Amy said with a smile.

"No problem," Jack nodded and said.


"You've triggered a hidden task: a fallen soul."

After Jack agreed, the prompt tone of the system came, which made Jack a little unprepared.

"Unexpectedly, I've triggered the hidden task." Jack was still in a daze. Then Amy pulled him into the dark night forest.