Chapter 178 Sneak into the Palace

Speaking of this, Joel looked scared and muttered, "Am I not real, either?"

"Is everyone fake?"

"After you knew the truth, you went to the tavern and got drunk all day long?" Jack asked.

"No, because I have been unwilling to accept the power of demons, Thanos gave up on me and controlled the king to remove my position of the commander of the guards," Joel said awkwardly.

"If your position is removed, how can you bring me in?" Jack asked.

"There's no problem to take you in. Can you defeat Thanos?" Joel asked suspiciously.

After all, even Gilga couldn't defeat him. Could this young man defeat him?

"Gilga asked me to come to you. Do you need me to say anything more?" said Jack.

"Okay..." Joel thought for a while and finally agreed.

"By the way, how are you going to let us sneak into the palace?" Jack asked.

"We certainly can't go through the front door. There are too many demon guards." Joel took Jack to the back of the tavern.