Chapter 210 Return Safely

Jack was overjoyed. Although Chyna had strong endurance now, he didn't know how to comfort her if her father died.

"Fortunately, nothing happened."

Jack walked through the crowd and a bottle of life liquid medicine appeared in his hand.

"Jack... Is that you?"

Seeing Jack, Crowe was a little surprised and then thought of something.

"Father-in-law, don't say anything. I'll take you back first." Jack waved his hand, signaling him to stop talking.

Then he carried Crowe on his back, ignored the doctor who was rushing over and handed him the life liquid medicine.

"You'll be fine after taking it."

After that, Jack quickly left here with Crowe on his back.

He called a taxi on the way and they quickly returned to the villa area.

Inside the villa, they were quarreling, and a few strangers came.

"What do you mean? My husband is dead. Of course, I feel sorry for him. But the top priority is to protect our family. I'm doing this for our family."