By the time Mandy finally arrives at the park I am really worried about Andy.
“We probably need to get you to a hospital dude. You looks seriously faint,” I say to him as I raise him up from the grass with his one arm draped around my neck.
“No. No doctors, please,” he mumbles. It seems like he is way worse off than what he was when I found him. “I just need some sleep. Maybe a hot water bottle even.”
“Well we leave it up to Mandy. If she thinks you need to get to a hospital you better go,” I answer, still walking over to Mandy’s car, which she leaves running as she sees us and jumps out of the car.
“What the fuck is going on here?!” she shouts as she runs toward us, making up the space in a few seconds, coming to a halt right next to me.
“This is the Andy kid right?” she asks, looking at him as I struggle forward with him, which is still difficult with him limping every single step we take.