Chapter 2 Am I a Loser

On second thought, Ruman sighed in her heart. If Jiang Sa had been stronger, this would not have happened.

"Just enough, Liu Mo!" Liu Ruman said unhappily.

It had been three years, and it was the first time that Liu Ruman spoke for him.

"I didn't say anything."

Shrugging his shoulders, Liu Mo pointed to the table on the right, on which there were all kinds of gifts. One could tell that the gifts were expensive from the packing.

Taking out a jade from it, Liu Mo said proudly, "This is the jade I prepared for grandma. It's worth three million and six hundred thousand."


Liu Ruman's face froze. The jade was much more valuable than the gift she prepared.

"I wonder what gift you prepared for grandma." With a smile on his face, Liu Mo looked at Liu Ruman quietly.

Liu RuMan's face suddenly turned red. Since she married Jiang Sa, her family's status in the Liu family had rapidly changed. Now she was the humblest family in the Liu family. Not to mention about three million, even if it was a gift of 30,000 or 50,000, she could not take it out.

Standing aside, Jiang Sa suddenly walked up to Liu Mo and stared at the jade pendant again and again.

Liu Mo put his hands back and shouted: "What do you want, loser?"

After pondering for a while, Jiang Sa raised his head and said, "It's a white jade, but not suet jade."

A hint of surprise appeared in Liu Mo's eyes. If he hadn't bought it himself, it would have been difficult for him to tell. How could such a loser notice it at a glance?

"What do you know, loser?"

"I think you want to take this thing away when we are not paying attention, don't you? Tut, tut, after all, it's worth millions of dollars. It's a lot of money to sell it."

Liu Ruman's face turned cold and she despised Jiang Sa more in her heart.

Shaking his head, Jiang Sa said, "I didn't expect that your cousin would buy such kind of goods."


Staring at him, Liu Mo took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Tell me the reason why it was not a suet jade. Otherwise, you won't be able to leave so easily!"

Without taking it seriously, Jiang Sa walked behind Liu Mo and took the jade from his hand.

He looked at it and handed it to Liu Mo, saying "The suet jade is the top-grade white jade in pure color, and I can tell you the simplest way to distinguish it from the white jade. The unique pink fog of the suet jade is something that the white jade doesn't have. If it is difficult to distinguish, besides, there is another way, no matter what level of white jade, it must have an unnoticeable faint yellow color under the sunlight, so it can't be called the suet jade."

"The value of your jade... I guess it's only twenty or thirty thousand."

After returning to Liu Ruman, he stood still with a calm expression in his eyes, as if he had done nothing.

"Bullshit! I keep the invoice and identification certificate of this jade. How can it be false?"

A trace of panic appeared on Liu Mo's face as if he was eager to explain.

"It's not difficult to fake these things. Why don't you take them to have an identification?"

Liu Mo was speechless. His eyes were erratic and he felt guilty.

What Jiang Sa had guessed was right. The invoice and the identification certificate were naturally fake. The jade was not suet white jade. He had planned to use it as a fake to earn his family's face.

Since grandpa passed away, grandma no longer paid attention to the jade, so she didn't have the chance to find it.

"You are just a loser. Do you really think you are a jade expert? Identification? What time is it now? Do you want to make Grandma unhappy by coaxing us out?"

Hearing this, the disciples with the same surname who had doubted just now suddenly realized that how could a man who had married into the Liu family understand this?

"Jiang Sa, do you think Liu Mo is a loser like you?"

"That's right! Does Liu Mo lack that little money?"

"Look at yourself! Who do you think you are? Don't pretend to be a professional!"

The crowd burst into laughter. Liu Ruman blushed, feeling particularly harsh.

Hearing that, Jiang Sa didn't try to defend himself anymore. None of these people understood what he meant, so it was meaningless to explain more.

"What are you doing here?"

An old voice came. The grandmother of the Liu family finally came out of the backroom. Everyone stepped aside and looked at Mrs. Liu respectfully.

Since the death of Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu had taken control of the Liu family. All the affairs of the Liu family must be approved by her.

It was also because of Mrs. Liu's judgment that the Liu family could maintain its current status.

Liu Ruman took a deep breath and said, "Grandma, Liu Mo gave a piece of suet jade to you. They are arguing whether it's white jade or suet jade."

Although she didn't know much about jade, she somehow felt that what Jiang Sa said was true.

Hearing this, Liu Mo panicked. Even if Mrs. Liu didn't pay much attention to the jade, he could not help but feel nervous.

Mrs. Liu took a look at Liu Mo and nodded, "Then let me have a look."

At this time, regardless of whether Liu Mo was willing or not, he had no choice but to go forward.

"This is what Jiang Sa said."

Liu Ruman said. She hoped that she could win some credit for him, even if it was praise.

Mrs. Liu stared at the jade for a long time and her face was as dark as water.

"Oh my God!"

Liu Mo's face was pale. It seemed that Mrs. Liu had noticed it.

"This is suet jade. Why did you slander Liu Mo?"

Mrs. Liu questioned with a straight face, looking straight at him.

The sudden question made Jiang Sa stunned. Mrs. Liu had paid great attention to the jade in the past, how could Mrs. Liu not notice that

"Grandma, please take a closer look at the jade. It's..."

When he was about to explain, Mrs. Liu scolded, "Are you doubting me? Or are you dissatisfied with me?"

"Shut up, Jiang Sa!"

Liu Yan said in a hurry, and then turned to Mrs. Liu and said, "Mom, don't be angry. How dare he be dissatisfied with you? He must want to pretend to be an insider and behave here. Jiang Sa, apologize to grandma now!"

Looking at Mrs. Liu, Jiang Sa suddenly realized that she just didn't want to expose her grandson.

A bitter smile appeared on his face. After all, he was just an outsider and a loser in the eyes of everyone. At this time, Mrs. Liu would naturally support her grandson.


Before he could speak, a bright red palm print appeared on his face.

Liu Ruman glared at him, gnashing her teeth, and said, "I shouldn't have any hope for you!"