Chapter 6 The Bet

Liu Ruman stood at the gate and watched Jiang Sa go away. She didn't walk to her car until he was completely out of her sight.

In the past three years, as long as she went to work normally, he would do this every day, and she would wait for him to leave before getting in the car.

Although she didn't work in the company of the Liu family, her working place was not far from here. The parking space nearby was tight. As a member of the Liu family, it was no problem for her to park in the parking lot of her company.


Liu Ruman came back first, followed by her father, Liu Feng.

As soon as Liu Feng entered the room, his face darkened. Under the inquiry of Liu Yan, he was silent for a long time before he told her what had happened in the meeting.

LiuYan's face darkened and she was on the verge of madness.

"Liu Ruman, come out!"

Liu Yan stood in the living room and shouted at Liu Ruman's bedroom.

Liu Ruman walked out of the bedroom with a trace of confusion on her face. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? How dare you ask me?"

"Are you crazy? Have you ever thought about the consequences of being driven out? Can't you guess what is on Liu Mo's mind?"

"You are not stupid at ordinary times. Why are you so stupid today to accept such a bet?"

With an indifferent look on her face, Liu Ruman said indifferently, "He just wants to kick us out of the Liu family before we divide the property."

Liu Yan's face became more and more embarrassed. She roared, "Since you have known it, why did you say yes? Do you think you can handle something they can't do?"

Liu Ruman looked calm on the surface, but in fact, she had a complicated feeling. She read the message from Jiang Sa and chose to believe it.

But now she didn't know whether she was doing the right thing or not.

She chose to gamble, but the price was too high. After calming down, Liu Ruman also regretted it. But did she have the chance to go back on her word?

"Can you trust me once?" Said Liu Ruman.

Liu Yan thumped her chest and sneered, "Trust you? How many times have they been there? But who else has made it? How can I trust you?"

At the same time as Liu Yan spoke, it was time for Jiang Sa to go home.

Putting on his slippers, he walked to Liu Ruman and said, "Mom, please trust her. She will do it."

At the sight of him, Liu Yan, who had been dissatisfied with him, was even angrier. She said coldly, "What does it have to do with you? If it weren't for you, Ruman might have married into some rich family! What qualifications do you have to speak?"

Pursing his lips, without saying anything, he picked up the bag and walked to the kitchen.

"Can I trust you?" Liu Ruman suddenly said to Jiang Sa.

Hearing that, Jiang Sa stopped and nodded with a smile. "Yes!"

Liu Yan frowned. Although the two men's questions were simple, she sensed that something was wrong. She quickly asked, "Did he incite you to do this?"

"Come here and make it clear!" Liu Yan shouted at Jiang Sa.

"It's up to me."

Liu Ruman helped Jiang Sa out. She knew that if Liu Yan knew about the message, it would not end today.

It's possible that the house would be overturned by then.

But in Liu Yan was sure that it was all because of the instigation of Jiang Sa. Even if Liu Ruman explained, it was useless.

Liu Yan grabbed Liu Ruman and said madly, "Do you think I will believe you? Are you crazy? Why do you listen to this loser?"

As Liu Yan spoke, she unconsciously increased her strength.

Looking at the painful expression on Liu Ruman's face, Jiang Sa's face was as cold as ice. He walked up to grab Liu Yan's wrist and said in a deep voice, "You will know whether Liu Ruman can make it or not tomorrow. Now, let go of your hand. You're hurting her!"

"Let go of me! I haven't settled accounts with you yet, but you jumped out. Do you have the right to speak here?"

Liu Yan said, looking at Jiang Sa.

Looking at the cold eyes of Jiang Sa, she suddenly felt that her breath stopped.

At this time, he was like a fierce wolf staring at its prey.

Seeing that things were not going well, Liu Feng stood up and tried to mediate the dispute. "Since things have happened, what's the use of fighting with each other? Now the most important thing is to find a way to complete the task."

Liu Yan let go of her reluctantly.

"I'm going to cook," said Jiang Sa to Liu Ruman, letting go of his hand

"Sooner or later, I will kick you out of our house!"

Looking at her wrist with the red handprint, Liu Yan said, staring at the back of Jiang Sa.

After dinner, Jiang Sa cleaned up the table, took a shower in the bathroom, and went back to his room.

While Liu Ruman sat at the head of the bed and stared at him.

Lying down on the ground, he said, "Don't worry about what will happen tomorrow. The owner of Jiangliu Real Estate is my classmate and brother."


Liu Ruman turned off the light and lay down. No further questioning.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, the scene that Liu Yan grabbed her just now appeared. She had never seen the look in the eyes of Jiang Sa.

At that moment, he looked like a stranger she had never seen before.


At that moment, she felt very safe.

Liu Ruman opened her eyes and said, "Don't wait for me in the milk tea shop from now on."

Jiang Sa was a little surprised. He had never told her that he went to wait for Liu Ruman to get off work, but she still knew it.


Replied Jiang Sa, feeling a little disappointed.

Biting her lips, Liu Ruman had all kinds of inexplicable thoughts in her mind.

It was not until Liu Yan mentioned it a few days ago that she realized that she couldn't get a divorce easily.

Whether he is a loser or not, no matter what attitude she had towards him, he could always show a smile in front of her. No matter how others mocked him, he didn't care.

She was not a cold stone. Her heart was made of flesh, not iron.

She also understood that she had already been used to being with him.

"Pick me up, downstairs of the company of the Liu family."

Looking at her blurry figure in the darkness, the surprise on Jiang Sa's face slowly turned into happiness.

Liu Ruman didn't turn around, nor could she see the expression of Jiang Sa. The quiet air made her think that he was unwilling, and she said discontentedly, "If you don't want to, then forget it."

"Yes, of course."

Jiang Sa sat up and said in a trembling voice.

Feeling the excitement of Jiang Sa, Liu Ruman trembled slightly with tears in her eyes.

Was he so excited just to let him pick her up?

"I'm sorry. I've been so cold to you for the past three years."