Chapter 23 Is It Cold on the Ground

"Yes, I am."

Liu Ruman nodded and said.

Huang Xiao was confused when she saw the receptionist wearing the uniform of the Adele Pavilion.

"Please follow me."

The receptionist led the two into the elevator and pressed the button on the top.

"The top floor?"

Huang Xiao looked at the bright button and was confused.

On the top floor of the Courtney Building was the Adele Pavilion, one of the top restaurants in Jiang City!

Huang Xiao shook her head and forced herself to come to her mind.

She rubbed her eyes to make sure that she didn't see anything wrong.

No way

Did Jiang Sa let me take Liu Ruman over, is to go to the Adele Pavilion?

Huang Xiao opened her mouth and murmured, "Is it possible that Jiang Sa is the one who has booked the Adele Pavilion? The legendary rich man in Jiang City is him! That's too dramatic! Even novels don't dare to write like this."

Seeing the abnormality of Huang Xiao, Liu Ruman found something wrong and asked doubtfully, "Huang Xiao, did you bring me here because of Jiang Sa?"

Huang Xiao nodded blankly and said in shock, "Indeed, he asked me to bring you here to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect him to"

Liu Ruman was also shocked. Although she had some guesses, she was still shocked when she heard from Huang Xiao that it was from Jiang Sa.

Huang Xiao hurriedly said, "Don't worry about that. Let's go upstairs first."

Following the receptionist, Huang Xiao and Liu Ruman arrived at the top floor of the Courtney Building.

When the elevator door opened, a piano stood in the middle of the restaurant, and a tall man sat in front of them, leaving the two women with his back, making them fall into infinite daydreaming.

Huang Xiao rubbed her eyes.

It was true that Jiang Sa had brought the performer here!

He was really capable.

After playing the video hundreds of times, Huang Xiao was very familiar with that figure!

Huang Xiao was so excited that she clenched her fists tightly.

She could ask her prince charming for his phone number today!

The man in the restaurant center, fingers on the piano, plays flexibly.

Different from the impetuous performance in the shopping mall, this song was specially prepared for Liu Ruman.

As soon as the melody started, Liu Ruman was moved and wanted to cry.

She took a deep breath to hold back her tears. In the past three years, she had wanted to cry many times, but she came again like this.

If not, she didn't know if she could hold on for the past three years.

The melodious melody drew the souls of the two girls and intoxicated them.

The song ended.

Jiang Sa turned around slowly and smiled at Liu Ruman.

When Liu Ruman saw clearly what had happened, she opened her eyes wide and couldn't help crying.

"Didn't you say that you couldn't play the piano? Why did you lie to me?" Asked Liu Ruman.

"If Ruman wants me to, of course, I will," said Jiang Sa with a smile.

Liu Ruman snorted and burst into tears.

"From now on, no one can bully you," said Jiang Sa in a low voice, holding Liu Ruman in his arms.

Hearing this, Liu Ruman cried even harder, burying her head in the chest of Jiang Sa.

The grievance accumulated for three years all broke out at this moment.

Huang Xiao stood aside, tears streaming down her face. She was touched by her best friend's happiness.

But at the same time, the dream of the prince charming of the piano was shattered.

It turned out that Jiang Sa was a performer in a shopping mall!

Damn, I have been infatuated with him for so long!

What an annoying guy!

Huang Xiao's face turned red. She felt embarrassed when she thought of her anthomaniac before.

I'm such an anthomaniac in front of my best friend's husband! And I even said he was my prince charming

In the building opposite the Courtney Building.

Liu Qing was still wearing heavy makeup and kept checking the time on her phone.

She was anxious.

Why didn't the young master of the Jiang family call her?

She looked at her watch again.

It was already nine o'clock.

Liu Qing looked at the top floor of the Courtney Building through the window.

She was shocked to see Liu Ruman enter the Adele Pavilion.

"Liu Ruman! How could it be possible?" Liu Qing exclaimed.

Liu Qing couldn't believe it. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the Courtney Building again.

But this time, Liu Qing didn't see Liu Ruman.

Then, Liu Qing let out a long breath.

It must be my illusion. Now Liu Ruman has probably been at home for the so-called wedding anniversary. How could she appear in the Adele Pavilion?

It seems that I was too nervous to make a mistake.

Thinking that Liu Ruman was still celebrating her wedding anniversary at home, Liu Qing inexplicably had a sense of superiority.

The next moment, she wasn't nervous anymore and drank tea slowly.

Waiting for the call from the young master of the Jiang family.

Of course, it was impossible.

The young master of the Jiang family was having dinner with Liu Ruman.

In the Adele Pavilion, Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman sat opposite each other, and Huang Xiao sat next to Liu Ruman. Looking at the couple, she felt very embarrassed, and she could not cut in, so she could only lower her head to eat.

However, the Adele Pavilion was worthy of being called the top restaurant in Jiang Cheng. The food there tasted really good.

Huang Xiao turned anger into appetite and ate the food fiercely.

Anyway, it's a treat from Jiang Sa. One more bite is earning!

In the middle of the meal, the door of the Adele Pavilion was opened by a waiter.

With a bottle of exquisitely packaged red wine in his hand, Xu Zhenghua walked up to Jiang Sa and said respectfully to him, "Here's a little token of our appreciation for you, Sir. We wish you and your ladyship a happy marriage and grow old together!"

Just as Jiang Sa was about to say thank you, Huang Xiao suddenly cheered up, "And may you have a baby soon!"

"Huang Xiao!" Liu Ruman complained shyly.

In the joyful laughter, today's wedding anniversary was over.

Since Jiang Sa had to drive, he didn't drink the red wine from the Adele Pavilion. On the contrary, Liu Ruman and Huang Xiao drank the most. He drove Huang Xiao back first and then took Liu Ruman back home.

Liu Ruman had an emotional outburst at first and then drank so much. Now she was already drunk.

Helplessly, Jiang Sa carried Liu Ruman back to their room.

Fortunately, Liu Feng and Liu Yan were asleep. Otherwise, when they saw Liu Ruman like this, they couldn't help cursing her.

Jiang Sa quietly put Liu Ruman on the bed, covered with the quilt.

Taking out the quilt from the wardrobe, then was about to fall asleep.

All of a sudden, Liu Ruman, who was supposed to be asleep, turned around and said, "Is it cold on the ground, Jiang Sa?"

Hearing that, Jiang Sa was stunned. He had slept on the floor for so many years, but he didn't feel cold at all. So he didn't think too much and said, "It's not cold."

Liu Ruman said lightly, "Oh..."

As soon as Jiang Sa finished speaking, he thought that something bad was going to happen.

Even a piece of wood could know what Liu Ruman meant.

This was to let him sleep on the bed!

Jiang Sa thought it was a bad reply, he had missed the chance.

"How about... How about you ask me again?" He asked gingerly.

"Fuck off!"

Liu Ruman snorted and turned her head away.


Jiang Sa, how could you let go of such a good opportunity?

Jiang Sa sighed at the fickleness of the world.