Chapter 31 An Uninvited Guest

"Liu Qing, don't talk nonsense!" Liu Hu stopped her immediately.

"Qing, watch your mouth!"

"That's right. Don't make fun of it."

In the meeting room, Liu Qing's words caused a great uproar.

The members of the Liu family were all in a cold sweat. They didn't expect that Liu Qing would say so.

Mrs. Liu didn't care about anything else, but she cared about the exclusive affair very much!

Liu Qing said this to provoke the discipline of the Liu family.

If Mrs. Liu lost her temper, everyone present would be in trouble.

As expected, Mrs. Liu scolded in a low voice, "Liu Qing, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Mrs. Liu was angry. Now Liu Qing had to apologize.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qing was unhurried and retorted, "Grandma, how can I joke about this? It's the discipline of our Liu family!"

Are you kidding me?

How could it be possible!

"Why do you say that?" Mrs. Liu's words were brief and to the point, and she looked terrible.

Liu Qing said seriously, This is what Liu Mo told me. Let him tell you."

"Mo, what's going on? Explain it quickly. It's a matter related to our family. Don't talk nonsense!" Seeing that Liu Qing threw the trouble to Liu Mo, Liu Hu immediately became anxious.

Liu Mo snorted angrily, "You don't know, but I heard that Liu Ruman hasn't returned all night since she went to the Kong Sang's Farmhouse yesterday!"

"What? Liu Ruman didn't come back last night?" Liu Hu said in surprise.

"But it doesn't mean anything even if she doesn't come back for only one night. Maybe it's because it's too late to sign the contract and she wants to spend a night in the Kong Sang's Farmhouse." Liu Hu questioned, confused.

Liu Hu and the others were willing to believe that it was someone else who cheated on them, but if that's Liu Ruman, that was too ridiculous.

In the Liu family, Liu Ruman seemed to be the representative of people who are virtuous and upright. It was hard to believe that Liu Ruman had stolen money to buy a car before, and now there was another thing that said Liu Ruman is who had cheated outside. It was unbelievable!

Even he, who had always hated Liu Ruman's family, would not believe in it.

"It doesn't matter that she hasn't come back for one night, but I'm afraid everyone in Jiang City knows what kind of person Qin Tian is, right? As for Liu Ruman..."

Liu Mo continued, but he stopped in the middle. It was enough to say that, and the rest needed to be imagined by everyone.

After saying that, Liu Mo looked at Mrs. Liu and found that her face was gloomy. He was satisfied.

That was exactly what he wanted. Otherwise, how could he kick Liu Ruman out of the Liu family!

We see!

The members of the Liu family suddenly realized that they knew what kind of person Qin Tian was.

If Liu Ruman sold her body for the project, it made sense. After all, this project was very important to their family. If it was lost, Mrs. Liu would take back the right of Liu Ruman.

In this way, Liu Ruman and her family would lose all the chances to turn the tables!

However, everyone was still shocked.

Mrs. Liu's eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire. She said in a hoarse voice, "If this happens, we can't let it go!"

After saying that, Mrs. Liu began to cough violently. She was very angry.

"Grandma, don't be angry. Since Liu Ruman comes back, she will be punished by the family law!" Liu Mo pretended to care about Mrs. Liu and said in a hurry.

Liu Qing snorted coldly and said, "If you want to punish her according to the family law, that will destroy the discipline of our Liu family. In my opinion, we should just kick her out of the Liu family directly! In case of destroying the reputation of our Liu family! We'd better kick them out together with the Liu Feng!"

All the members of the Liu family agreed with her.

"Qing is right. Why don't just kick Liu Ruman out of the Liu family?"

"For the sake of the reputation of the Liu family, please drive Liu Ruman out!"

In the eyes of these people, it was better to kick out Liu Ruman and her family members directly and eliminate them thoroughly than to punish them according to the family law.

Mrs. Liu didn't agree with what they said. She interrupted them coldly, "That's enough. We haven't made a decision yet. You don't need to discuss it here. We'll decide after Liu Ruman comes back!"

Although she said that she would wait for Liu Ruman to come back to deal with it, Mrs. Liu still believed Liu Qing seventy percent.

Liu Mo and Liu Qing were overjoyed. They had never expected that Liu Ruman would appear.

Liu Ruman, don't go back to the Liu family if you are sensible.

Otherwise, even if you came back, you would not be able to escape the fate of being driven out!

I finally got the Jiang Liu project!

Finally, I don't have to be under the control of Liu Ruman!

The two of Liu Mo and Liu Qing had different thoughts, but when they looked at each other, they both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Just as everyone was anxious, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened.

With the document in her hand, Liu Ruman looked at the gloomy faces of the people in the meeting room and apologized, "Sorry, I'm late."

Liu Qing sneered, "Oh, Miss. Liu, you have come back after cheating on your husband."

Puzzled, Liu Ruman asked, "What did you mean by that?"

Liu Qing said, "What? You dare not admit that you have cheated on your husband? Is this our Miss. Liu?"

Liu Mo interrupted, "Liu Ruman! You didn't come back all night. Do you think we don't know that you cheated on us outside?"

Liu Ruman was quite annoyed. She finally got rid of Qin Tian, and now these two people began to flirt with her again.

"Liu Qing, Liu Mo, if you don't speak, no one will regard you as dumb!" Liu Ruman shouted immediately.

"That's enough, Liu Ruman. How is everything going with Qin Tian?" Mrs. Liu said impatiently.

"It's settled." Liu Ruman ignored Liu Qing and Liu Mo, then answered.

Hearing that the problem had been solved, Mrs. Liu's eyes did not change into joy but became cold in an instant. She asked, "How did you solve it?"

Liu Qing said, "Grandma, you don't need to ask. It's just a matter of selling her body."

"Liu Qing, I warn you for the last time, don't sling mud at me! "Liu Ruman shouted again

Liu Qing didn't take it seriously.

Tut, tut, it's hard to say whether the Liu family will have you or not in the future.

"Some people just don't dare to admit what they have done." Liu Qing shook her head and sighed.

Liu Ruman said to Mrs. Liu, "The contract was not signed, but this time, Qin Tian won't take a penny from Jiang Liu Project, and he won't make trouble again in the future."

What! Didn't Qin Tian sign the contract? Even won't take a penny from Jiang Liu Project?

How could it be possible!

Liu Mo was shocked. He had promised Qin Tian that he would give him 20% of the bonus.

"Ruman, tell me, how did you make it?" Mrs. Liu asked again.

Liu Ruman sighed helplessly and told them what had happened yesterday.

Liu Mo pounded the table and shouted, "Liu Ruman, are you fooling everyone as if we are idiots? Is that loser the only one who has saved you?"

Before he finished his words.


The door of the meeting room was kicked open by someone.