Chapter 33 Scissors Under the Pillow

It was near night, and Jiang Sa drove the car came to the milk tea shop.

But today, the milk tea shop closed unexpectedly.

Jiang Sa frowned.

It shouldn't be that the milk tea shop was closed.

He had been in Jiang City for three years, but the milk tea shop had never been closed.

He had a bad feeling about the door closing today. After thinking for a while, he took out his phone and sent a message to Shi Qiu.

"Find out the owner of the milk tea shop downstairs of the Liu family's company."

In fact, in the past three years, not only did the owner of the milk tea shop think that Jiang Sa was not an ordinary person.

As far as Jiang Sa could see, the owner of the milk tea shop was unusual!

But out of politeness, he never asked.

Now, he guessed that there was something wrong with the owner of the milk tea shop.

At this time, Liu Ruman walked to Jiang Sa and said, "What are you thinking about? Why are you so absent-minded?"

Regaining his composure, Jiang Sa said, "Nothing."

Seeing the worried look on Liu Ruman's face, Jiang Sa asked, "What happened? Why do you look so bad?"

Liu Ruman didn't hide anything and said, "At today's meeting, Shi Qiu came to the meeting room with Qin Tian and exposed Liu Mo. But Mrs. Liu only let him reflect for a month and then gave up."

After all, Liu Ruman was not satisfied with the result of this punishment. Even if she did not kick Liu Mo out, Liu Mo could not just be punished for reflecting on his mistakes.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Jiang Sa's face, but there was a trace of ferocity hidden in the smile.

He was very dissatisfied with Mrs. Liu's attitude.

Liu Ruman continued, "Why did Shi Qiu appear in the farmhouse yesterday? And why did he help me?"

"Money makes the mare go." Jiang Sa said.

Confused, Liu Ruman asked, "Isn't Shi Qiu going to fight for money?"

"Money makes the mare go." Jiang Sa said, almost joking.

Liu Ruman smiled and asked, "How much did it cost?"

Seeing the smile on Liu Ruman's face, Jiang Sa thought it was not a good idea and said, "Only a few hundred thousand."

Liu Ruman sighed and said, "A wastrel! A wastrel!"

It was not a loss to hire Shi Qiu to deal with Qin Tian for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

After all, Qin Tian asked the Liu family for 20% of the bonus, which was worth more than one billion! Compared with hundreds of thousands of dollars, it was still nothing.

Liu Ruman said that Jiang Sa was a spendthrift because the hundreds of thousands of dollars could be completely reimbursed to the company! There was no need for Jiang Sa to pay for it.

They drove home and were about to stop the car.

Coincidentally, Liu Feng and Liu Yan just went downstairs. When they saw the two get out of the car, they were stunned.

"Ruman, why is there another car?" Liu Feng questioned.

The company might not be able to notice that they had stolen money to buy a car, but there might be something wrong with the two cars!

Liu Ruman was stunned and said, "Dad, mom, listen to me..."

"Forget it. We have something to deal with now. We'll talk to you when we come back." Liu Feng waved his hand and said hastily.

Then he left with Liu Yan.

When they got home, they sat opposite each other and had dinner silently, both of them were thinking about something.

"Why don't you tell them that you bought all the cars?" Said Liu Ruman suddenly.

"Do you think our parents will believe me if I tell them the truth?" Jiang Sa said calmly.

Then he added, "They won't believe it, so there's no need to explain anything to them. Besides, I don't care what they think. It doesn't matter what the truth is."

Liu Ruman nodded in agreement.

In the past three years, Jiang Sa did not care about other people's opinions. He did what he wanted to do from the beginning till the end.

Only she could make Jiang Sa change his mind.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Sa said, "Ruman, I have to go out for a while after dinner. I might have to go for a day."

Liu Ruman was confused, but she still agreed, "If you have something to do, then go ahead. Why you asked me."

There was another silence.

After dinner.

Jiang Sa stood up and was about to wash the dishes.

It was not late to go out after washing the dishes.

Liu Ruman suddenly stopped him and said, "Aren't you going out? If you have something to do, just go ahead with your work. Let me do it tonight.

All of a sudden, a smile appeared on Jiang Sa's face. He said happily, "Okay, I'll go out first."

After putting on his clothes, Jiang Sa rushed out.

Liu Ruman watched him go out.

Then she stood still and thought for a long time.

Finally, Liu Ruman seemed to have made up her mind. She came to the bedroom and lifted the pillow.

Under the pillow was a sharp scissor.

The scissor had been under her pillow since she married him in case of any trouble.

Unexpectedly, the scissors were about to be put away by Liu Ruman before she used them.

After putting away the scissors.

Thinking of what Jiang Sa had done to her recently, Liu Ruman chuckled.

After three years, he had finally changed.

How could Liu Ruman not be happy?

Putting the scissors away, Liu Ruman went to wash the dishes humming a song.

When Jiang Sa went out, his phone rang.

It was a call from Shi Qiu.

"Shi Qiu, have you found out anything?" Asked Jiang Sa.

On the other side, Shi Qiu was a little surprised and said, "Brother Jiang, I've found it out. The owner of the milk tea shop, his real name is Long Xuanming. According to the investigation, he is very likely to be the boss of the mysterious grey zone that disappeared five years ago!"

The boss of the grey zone!

Jiang Sa was a little surprised.

This was even more powerful than the underground dragon heads like Shi Qiu and Qin Tian!

It turned out to be this one.

Jiang Sa had heard of this man for a long time, but he had disappeared five years ago, and he could not find any clues.

But Jiang Sa didn't expect that the boss of the dark gray zone would open a milk tea shop under the company of the Liu family, and where did he order the red bean milk tea for three years.

God made fools of people.

But he didn't know why Mr. long had to hide his identity and leave the things and people in the underground world alone.

The more powerful the owner of the milk tea shop was, the more trouble it would be. Not willing to waste time, Jiang Sa quickly asked, "Where is he now?"

Shi Qiu replied, "At present, he is in the underground casino of Liu Chen at Modu City."

"Liu Chen?" Jiang Sa was confused why Liu Chen suddenly appeared.

"Brother Jiang, you may not know him well. Liu Chen is also one of the underground leaders in Jiang City, specialized in managing all kinds of casinos, and even has industries in Modu City." Replied Shi Qiu.

At the same time, Shi Qiu felt a little strange and said, "Since Liu Chen became the underground leader of Jiang City, he has never planned to expand his industry except for the gambling industry. Moreover, he has never cared about the things in the underground world and has never conflict with other leaders. He is a good man in the underground."

The leader of the underground world.

But he was once regarded as a good person.

The whole public in Jiang City felt ridiculous.

"Liu Chen... Don't say anything more. You go to Modu City first, and I'll be there soon." Said Jiang Sa.