Chapter 41 You've Been Suspended

Liu Ruman sighed and dragged her heavy body back to the room.

At the door, she saw that Jiang Sa was lying on the floor and looking at his phone idly.

Liu Ruman sighed in her heart. Perhaps she didn't have so much trouble if she didn't care about it at all, just like what Jiang Sa did.

Lying on the bed, Liu Ruman stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Noticing the abnormality of Liu Ruman, Jiang Sa asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Ruman waved her hand and said with hesitation, "Well...Jiang Sa, can you lend me two hundred thousand?"

That's it! That's it?

I thought there was something wrong.

"Okay! It's only two hundred thousand, isn't it? Let alone two hundred thousand, it's twenty..."

Jiang Sa stopped talking. He almost said that he could lend two billion, and the secret was almost exposed.

Liu Ruman was confused and asked, "What?"

"Even if it's two million, I'll try hard to lend it!" Jiang Sa continued.

After saying that, he gave a thumbs up for his intelligence. Two million was indeed a matter that he should move his lips.

It was not a lie.

Liu Ruman couldn't help laughing and said, "Look at what you can do. If you lend so much money, you don't feel sorry for me, but I will feel sorry for you."

Liu Ruman took out a pen and paper from the table and handed them to Jiang Sa.

What was she doing with a pen and paper? Jiang Sa was confused.

"Write an 'IOU' note," said Liu Ruman.

Shaking his head, Jiang Sa said, "We're married. Why do you write an 'IOU' note?"

With a straight face, Liu Ruman said, "Who has been with your old couple for only three years?"

"Okay, okay, we've just been married for three years," said Jiang Sa in a hurry.

Liu Ruman snorted and said, "I don't care. This note must be written."

There was nothing Jiang Sa could do.

How could it be? The creditor didn't want to write an 'IOU' note, but the creditor had to write it.

This must be the only one in the world?

With a helpless smile, Jiang Sa wrote an 'IOU' note and handed it to Liu Ruman.

Seeing that, Liu Ruman was satisfied and said, "Well, it's getting cold recently. Do you want to sleep in the bed tonight?"

"Okay, okay. But... Is my wife on the bed?" Jiang Sa asked in surprise.

With expectation in his eyes, Jiang Sa laughed in his heart. The two hundred thousand dollars were worth it.

Liu Ruman rolled her eyes and said, "Forget it. It seems that you don't want to sleep in the bed."

"Don't do that, Ruman. The floor is so cold..."Jiang Sa said unhappily.

"Go to sleep on the sofa if you feel cold. It's no different from sleeping on the bed." Said Liu Ruman.

Meeting Liu Ruman's eyes, Jiang Sa sighed and had to sleep on the sofa.

'What am I talking about? Is there a wife in bed?'

There must be!

Where else would Ruman sleep? On the floor? Or sofa? How is that possible!

How he wished he could have two big slaps on his face! He had lost the chance again.

Why did he always fail at critical moments?

After watching the sorrowful eyes of Jiang Sa left, Liu Ruman burst into laughter.

She had a dreamless night and had breakfast the next morning.

Before leaving, Liu Yan specially ordered, "Ruman, give me the two hundred thousand as soon as possible, or your uncle will be anxious."

Ruman wanted to say that it's none of her business whether Liu Long was in a hurry or not. But she was afraid that if she said it out, Liu Yan would say that she's impolite, so she finally gave up.

After sending Liu Ruman to the company, Jiang Sa turned around and came to a bank, ready to withdraw the money.

Yes, he wanted to withdraw cash!

Although he could transfer the money directly to Liu Long's card, he couldn't do that.

Although Jiang Sa didn't care about anything, he was not the kind of person who liked to pay for good and suffer losses!

He came to the counter.

The counter staff glanced at him and saw his clothes. He asked casually, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to withdraw the money. Two hundred thousand." Jiang Sa said.

The counter staff rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "If you want to withdraw a large sum of money, you need to make an appointment in advance. You can't withdraw your money without an appointment. Please make an appointment with me, sir."

Shaking his head, Jiang Sa said, "I want to take it now."

The counter staff said in an unfriendly tone, "Sir, are you here to make trouble?"

"You can deposit money at any time. Do you need an appointment to withdraw money?" Retorted Jiang Sa.

The counter staff glanced at him again but still couldn't find anything special.

The tone of the counter staff was getting worse and worse. "You need to make an appointment for two hundred thousand. Come back after making an appointment!"

Standing in front of the counter, Jiang Sa said, "Only two hundred thousand. When did it need to make an appointment?"

The counter staff said, "I said I want it. Just wait."

The counter staff sneered.

If a rich man in Jiang City came to withdraw two hundred thousand, he would do it without hesitation and didn't need an appointment at all.

It was easy to tell that Jiang Sa was not from a rich family. He just came here to withdraw two hundred thousand. How arrogant he was.

I can't even afford two hundred thousand. How can you afford it?

Thinking of this, the counter staff was filled with jealousy.

But it seemed that he was bragging.

Two hundred thousand? Tut, tut, did you have?

Jiang Sa standing straight in front of the cabinet, without saying anything.

The counter staff got more and more irritated when he saw that Jiang Sa didn't leave for a long time. He called the bank manager.

Soon, an enchanting woman in her early thirties with the famous brand name of the bank manager appeared.

"Manager, this man said he wanted to withdraw two hundred thousand cash and I said I wanted him to make an appointment. Then he still standing here." The counter staff greeted the manager courteously.

Taking out his bank card, Jiang Sa said to the manager, "I think I don't need an appointment."

The bank manager, who was about to kick Jiang Sa out, felt nervous when she saw his bank card.

This bank card!

The surface of the bank card looked ordinary, but in fact, there was a secret hidden in it. As long as the status of the bank was higher, one would know what this kind of bank card meant!

The bank manager fixed her eyes on the card and wished she could swallow it.

"I want to withdraw two hundred thousand now. Is there any problem?" Jiang Sa asked again.

The bank manager said, "Yes, sir. Please move to the VIP room."

The counter staff didn't understand why the manager was so strange today. As usual, she should have asked him to get out directly without raising her head.

The sun rose in the West.

In the VIP room, the bank manager poured a cup of tea for Jiang Sa and said respectfully, "Sir, I have sent someone to withdraw the money. Please wait a moment."

After pouring the tea, the bank manager approached Jiang Sa slowly and winked at him from time to time.

With a calm look on his face, Jiang Sa said, "Please stay away from me."

The bank manager was very disappointed. These rich people were more determined than each other.

If she could hook up with this man, she would be successful and make great progress. She didn't have to stay as a branch manager anymore.

Finally, two hundred thousand was counted.

Without looking back, Jiang Sa took the money and left the bank.

The bank manager was reluctant to leave. Then she came to the counter and scolded the teller, "You have been suspended. Go back and wait for the notice."

The counter staff was confused. Why did he suddenly be suspended?

It was not easy for him to find a job with others' help.

The counter staff asked doubtfully, "Manager, why did you do that all of a sudden?"

The bank manager sneered, "Because you are so blind. Do you know who the man was just now?"

The counter staff was even more confused, "Who else can it be? Isn't he just a poor boy who wears cheap clothes?"

The bank manager laughed angrily and said, "Poor boy, how dare you say that? His bank card is customized for something you don't know. There is at least ten billion deposit in it."

It was not until now that the counter staff realized what he was looking at. It was a "behemoth".

The counter staff opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. He could only be shocked in his heart.