Chapter 43 Suppress the Restaurant Alone

Liu Ruman frowned and said, "It was written on the reservation voucher. Take me there immediately, or I will complain you to the hotel."

The hotel staff looked arrogant and said, "What are you talking about? I said we don't have a seat. Don't you understand? There is no empty seat even if you complain!"

Liu Ruman was furious. She went to the restaurant is to thank Jiang Sa, but now she was told that she didn't have a seat.

Are all the appointments in this restaurant bullshit?

The waiter said with disdain, "I've said that if you want to eat, just wait at the service area. Otherwise, I'll ask the security to invite you out!"

Liu Ruman said coldly, "If you don't give me an explanation today, I won't leave."

Liu Ruman stood still with arms akimbo, as if she didn't listen to the waitress at all.

Looking at Liu Ruman, who was standing aside, Jiang Sa suddenly felt funny.

Now, Liu Ruman looked like a child to him.

Of course, this was just the feeling in his heart. No matter what, Liu Ruman did nothing wrong.

She made an appointment in advance. When she arrived at the restaurant, she was told that there was no seat available.

No one else would feel good.

"Take us there as soon as possible, or you'll suffer a lot."Jiang Sa said.

The waitress shouted angrily, "I'll pay for what I've done. Tut, who do you think you are? Young man, wait here. Look for what am I gonna do to you when the security's here!"

Then the waiter went to call the security.

He was a little afraid if he face Jiang Sa alone.

His little body was probably not enough to fight with Jiang Sa. Now he was afraid that Jiang Sa would suddenly beat him.

Jiang Sa standing still with Liu Ruman.

A sneer hung on the corner of Jiang Sa's mouth. A waiter in a restaurant could be so arrogant. If he didn't teach him a lesson, he didn't know how to behave.

After a while.

The waiter angrily led a group of security guards over, holding the baton in his hand, and stared at him.

A man in a suit who looked like a pregnant woman walked in front of the waiter.

The waitress said, "Manager, they are just making trouble out of nothing! I said we don't have a seat, but they insisted on coming over."

The lobby manager of the restaurant said, "Okay, I see."

"I have an appointment. How can I not have a seat?" said Liu Ruman.

She had thought that the lobby manager of the restaurant would at least be reasonable.

The lobby manager, however, said, "Didn't our waitress say that? There are indeed no seats available now. If you want to eat, you can go to the rest area and wait in line."

The lobby manager ignored the appointment in Liu Ruman's hand and said the same words as the waiter did.

With a mocking smile, the waiter said, "Our manager is here. I'll see how you complain about me!"

The waiter said to him, "And you, let me suffer, right? Have a try!"

The lobby manager looked at his watch and said, "Well, if you want to eat, just wait. If you don't want to eat, then leave. Now it's past the appointment time. You two can go back now. Don't disturb the operation of our restaurant, or I have to ask the security to throw you out."

As the lobby manager of the restaurant, he certainly knew that there was an appointment now, but just as he said, it was up to him whether there was an appointment or not!

Jiang Sa's face was cold. No wonder the waitress was so arrogant. It turned out that the lobby manager was behind him.

Well, it seemed that this hotel was not good at all.

Liu Ruman snorted and said, "I won't leave until the restaurant gives me an explanation!"

The lobby manager looked impatient. He waved his hand and said, "Drive those unreasonable people out of the restaurant!"

Hearing this, the security guards behind took out their batons and were about to attack Liu Ruman and Jiang Sa.

Naturally, Jiang Sa stood in front of Liu Ruman and protected her.

With a cold look in his eyes, Jiang Sa said, "Look clearly. This is unreasonable."

"This is the style of your restaurant. It seems that it's going to come to an end." Jiang Sa signed.

Shaking his head sadly, seemed to sigh that the restaurant was closed.

The lobby manager was furious and said, "Who do you think is going to close the door? Security guards, go and kick them out!"

The waiter also shouted, "Yes, you're right. Be ruthless to them! Wanted to file a complaint against me! Let me suffer! Do you deserve it? What the hell!"

The security guard nodded and was about to subdue Jiang Sa with a baton.

Jiang Sa smiled.

There were always some people who were unreasonable.

These security guards might not be as strong as the two underground leads, Qin Tian and Liu Chen.

However, whether it was the hooligans in the underground world or the security guards of the restaurant, in the eyes of Jiang Sa, they were all ants.

For a moment.

The security guards who had rushed to Jiang Sa fell to the ground, wailing and throwing their batons all over the ground.

Standing behind him, Liu Ruman widened her eyes and thought, 'Is this... Is this Jiang Sa?'

Just now, Liu Ruman saw that in a blink of an eye, Jiang Sa had knocked down several security guards.

Even if she knew that Jiang Sa had been doing exercises, could he be so strong?

Liu Ruman was shocked.

"This is the result of making trouble out of nothing. Call your boss over and let me see what kind of boss can train such a manager and waiter." Jiang Sa said coldly.

The lobby manager was scared out of his wits. A dozen security guards were killed in such a short time!

Losers, They were all good for nothing!

It's a waste of money to raise them in the restaurant!

I'll fire you all after I kill this brat!

The lobby manager took out his phone and called the boss, "Boss, someone is making trouble in the restaurant. Beat all the security guards down!"

On the other side.

Before the manager could finish his words, the owner of the restaurant was furious.

Someone was stirring up trouble in his restaurant. How dare he!

The owner of the restaurant came to the restaurant in a hurry. He was frightened to see the security guards who couldn't stand up.

The owner of the restaurant said to the bodyguard beside him, "How is it going? Can you defeat him?"

The bodyguard said, "Don't worry, boss. Just knock down a few security guards, so can I."

The owner of the restaurant nodded and then said angrily, "Kneel now! And then apologize to me. Things will be over!"

"I'm telling you, now kneel and apologize. I won't make a fuss with you. Otherwise, you won't be able to open this restaurant again!" Jiang Sa disdained.

Blue veins stood out on the boss's temples, and his face was ferocious. He said to the lobby manager, "Manager, dismiss all the guests in the restaurant. All the expenses today are free, and I have to deal with this shameless bloke well."

The lobby manager was overjoyed and hurried to dismiss the guests.

The guests were almost gone.

The owner of the restaurant said, "Beat him hard."

The bodyguards of the restaurant rushed to him in two or three steps.

He threw a punch at Jiang Sa.

With a quick look on Jiang Sa's face, he threw a punch.

The bodyguard was shocked and thought something was wrong.

As expected, the bodyguard didn't punch Jiang Sa.

On the contrary, the bodyguard's head was hit by the blow.

Hit on the head, the bodyguard was dizzy and passed out in an instant.

The owner of the restaurant was shocked. He had paid a lot of money to hire a bodyguard. How could he be so weak?