Chapter 45 Exposed of Buying a House

As soon as Jiang Sa and Liu Ruman arrive home.

Liu Feng and Liu Yan sat on the sofa sullenly.

Liu Ruman was about to ask what happened when she turned around and saw the cold leftovers on the table. She was a little angry.

Liu Ruman cleared the table and complained, "In the past three years, it has been Jiang Sa rustling to cook. Mom, you can't even cook."

Indeed, since Jiang Sa married into the family, the food in their family was cooked by him. Liu Yan had been very idle in the past three years.

But today, the two of them were having dinner outside, while Liu Feng and Liu Yan were waiting for them at home.

Liu Yan had no choice but to cook by herself.

It was okay for them to eat before Jiang Sa became a member of their family, but compared with his cooking, there was no comparison between them.

With a straight face, Liu Feng said, "Your mother is worried about money. The two hundred thousand and one is lent out, it will be difficult for our family for some time."

"Your mother did this for the sake of our family. She is upset now," added Liu Feng.

Liu Ruman pouted.

How could she worry about money and be upset?

She didn't pay the money. She borrowed it from Jiang Sa!

Anyway, Liu Ruman was the worried one. It was not Liu Yan's turn to worry.

It could be said that lending two hundred thousand didn't have much impact on Liu Feng, Liu Yan, or Liu Ruman.

The only difference was that there were only two hundred thousand missing in the card.

Liu Yan said crossly, "From now on, Jiang Sa's monthly living expenses will be reduced to six hundred! He will pay for the gap of two hundred thousand!"

Liu Ruman frowned and said, "Mom, how can you say that? Jiang Sa is responsible for the usual meals. No matter what, he can't deduct his living expenses!"

Liu Yan said in an unfriendly tone, "Humph! Is Jiang Sa responsible for the usual meals? Did he in charge today? You have to ask yourself what's the use of him! In my opinion, Ruman, you'd better divorce him as soon as possible! There are so many rich children in Jiang City!"

Liu Ruman was so angry that her face turned red. She wanted to refute but was stopped by the arm of Jiang Sa.

They went back to their room.

Dissatisfied, Liu Ruman said, "I just don't want you to continue cooking at home. Look at mom's attitude."

Shaking his head slowly, Jiang Sa said, "The house is too small now. It's not appropriate to invite a nanny. Let's wait a little longer."

Indeed, the house was too small to hire a cook. It was not worth it at all to hire a maid. How about asking a maid after moving to the villa in the middle of the mountain.


Liu Ruman sighed.

It seemed that Jiang Sa would never fight back at home. He just endured it silently.

After a long time, Liu Ruman felt sorry for him.

Liu Ruman thought for a while and said, "I'll go shopping with you tomorrow. I haven't been to the vegetable market in the past few years."

"Okay, let me show you how I buy vegetables." Jiang Sa agreed.

It was rare for Liu Ruman to have the mood to go out with him. It would be good even if they went to the vegetable market.

They didn't talk the whole night.

The next day, after Liu Ruman got off work.

They arrived at Jiang City's vegetable market.

Seeing that the vegetable market was crowded, Liu Ruman said, "There are so many people in the market now. How about we buy it later?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Sa said, "No, we can't. The fresh vegetables will be sold out later. We can only buy some that were not fresh yesterday."

Thinking for a while, Liu Ruman nodded and said, "Well, it turns out that not all the food in the market is fresh."

Jiang Sa leads Liu Ruman to enter the vegetable market.

Suddenly, the hawkers shouted from all directions.

"Why don't we go to the supermarket? There are also vegetables, and they are fresh," said Liu Ruman.

Liu Ruman, like a fool who knew nothing, kept asking questions.

"First, The food in the supermarket is expensive. Second, although the food in the supermarket looks fresh, I don't know how long it has been placed. It just has a table." Jiang Sa answered patiently.

Then, he came to a fish dealer and asked, "Boss, how much is this fish?"

The fish dealer glanced at him and said, "Ten dollars per kilo."

With a smile, Jiang Sa asked, "Is this fish made of gold or silver?"

The fish dealer became interested and said, "Too expensive for you, too cheap for me, too."

However, Jiang Sa didn't change his mind. He said calmly, "Eight dollars per kilo. I want one."

"Hey, young man, you're not behaving properly. Eight point five dollars per kilo, you can't be less." The fish dealer said painfully.

"Deal," said Jiang Sa.

Standing next to Jiang Sa, Liu Ruman watched his bargain with the peddlers with curiosity.

All of a sudden, she remembered that yesterday, he had beaten dozens of strong men alone. A sense of absurdity surged up in her heart.

Who would have thought that such a powerful person would have to bargain in the vegetable market?

Liu Ruman thought it was amazing.

After that, Jiang Sa bought some pork ribs and vegetables and went back home with Liu Ruman.

Just got home.

Seeing the fish and spareribs, Liu Yan felt heartbroken and said, "Didn't I say that our family would be frugal in the future? Why are you still so careless?"

Liu Yan continued, "Oh, my God. At that time, I didn't even dare to eat an egg. Now you are so extravagant."

Liu Yan pounded her chest with dissatisfaction.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Liu Feng's phone rang.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Feng's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Without throwing a tantrum, Liu Yan asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"An old classmate bought a house and invited me to have a get-together. I think it's a lie to have a get-together, and it's true to deceive the cash gift." Liu Feng said.

Liu Yan agreed, "I agree with you. Should we refuse to go?"

"If I don't go, I'm afraid my classmates will laugh at me again." Liu Feng frowned.

Liu Ruman stood out and said, "Father, mother, I'll give you the money. We have to go there."

After thinking for a while, Liu Feng said, "Okay."

With a big smile on her face, Liu Ruman said to Jiang Sa, "Let's go together."

Liu Yan frowned, trying to ask Jiang Sa to stay. But seeing her daughter so happy, Liu Yan's heart tightened. She sighed and said nothing more.

They drove to the hotel that Liu Feng's classmate mentioned.

"Alas, I've been waiting for you for a long time," said Liu Feng's old classmate.

Liu Feng simply nodded his head.

"Is this your son-in-law? He looks so handsome. He is very famous in Jiang City." Liu Feng's old classmate continued.

Then the whole room burst into laughter.

Fame was fame, but it was not a good reputation.

Liu Feng felt a little embarrassed.

He shouldn't have brought him with her.

Now it became the topic of his classmates.

Helpless, Jiang Sa stood up and said, "Well, I've bought a house recently and it's being redecorated. you have to come next month."

Liu Yan blamed, "What are you talking about? Stop bragging here."

Jiang Sa said, "Mom, I've already bought the house. I just wanted to give Ruman a surprise, so I didn't tell her. Well, the house should be decorated soon. you must let dad's old classmate go to have fun in the future."

Liu Yan was suspicious.

Did Jiang Sa buy a house? Really?

Are you kidding me?

Liu Feng laughed, "Great! Liu Feng, you have such a good son-in-law. I'll go there next month!"