Chapter 50 Bullying the Weak

"Humph! It's just a shabby house you bought. No one likes it. Even if you beg me, I won't go!" said Liu Yan scornfully.

Liu Yan continued, "You still want to be with Ruman? Humph! How can Ruman be with you? Look at yourself in the mirror! If Ruman dares to leave with you, I'll kick her out of the house. I'd like to see whether I'm more important as a mother or you are more important as a loser!"

With cold eyes, Jiang Sa said nothing more.

I only hope that you can be a little spineless on fifteen next month. Don't have the face to ask to move in.

The traffic police came to observe the injury of the injured and said to Liu Feng, "The injury is not too serious. If the injured don't care, you only need to compensate for the medical fees and the repair of the electric bicycle, and you don't need to bear criminal responsibility."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

Liu Feng said in a hurry, "It's good that she is fine. The compensation will be paid."

The policeman nodded and said, "I just saw your son-in-law stop you. Otherwise, you will be criminally responsible if you leave the injured behind."

"At least three years, at most seven years." The policeman added.

All of a sudden, Liu Feng's hair stood on end and his face turned pale with fear. He felt lucky that he had just been stopped by Jiang Sa, or he would have been imprisoned!

Liu Feng patted his chest, feeling scared.

The policeman praised, "Fortunately, your son-in-law knows the law, otherwise..."

The policeman shook his head silently. He had been a policeman for so many years. He had seen many times that the wounded were not seriously injured, and it was okay to pay a little money. But the perpetrators escaped because of fear, and in the end, he was sentenced to three years for hit and run.

It was pathetic.

The ambulance arrived late and carried the injured woman in.

The policeman said, "Go to accompany the injured."

Liu Yan looked a little embarrassed. She just said that she wanted to blackmail them, but now she asked to accompany the injured.

Glancing at Liu Yan, Jiang Sa sighed and took the initiative to stand out and say, "I'll go with the injured. Father and mother, you can go back first and inform Ruman of your safety. Don't make her worry."

They arrived at the hospital in the ambulance.

After some treatment, the woman was finally out of danger and settled down.

After paying the medical fees and making everything ready, Jiang Sa wiped his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat quietly next to the injured.

The woman's name was Xie Wan and she looked a little old, but Jiang Sa knew that she was only more than 30 years old.

But he didn't know why she looked so old. She seemed to be forty years old.

After a long time, Xie Wan slowly woke up from her coma and felt a little dizzy when she saw the face of Jiang Sa.

"Excuse me, but you are..." Said Xie Wan weakly.

Jiang Sa said, "I'm sorry. My father hit you by accident. I've paid for the medical expenses, and I'll pay for all the following expenses."

Xie Wan nodded with difficulty and agreed.

Jiang Sa added, "Do you need me to contact your family and ask them to take care of you?"

Xie Wan frowned and looked a little embarrassed.

Confused, Jiang Sa asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Xie Wan signed and said, "They won't come."

Jiang Sa was more confused. How could it be possible that her family didn't come?

"Is there any difficulty? Do you need my help?" Asked Jiang Sa.

After hesitating for a while, Xie Wan finally told him the truth.

It turned out that after giving birth to a child with a mental problem, Xie Wan and her child were driven out of the house by her family members. Both her mother-in-law and her parents didn't want them.

She could only raise the child by herself, which was ten years old now.

That was why Xie Wan said they wouldn't come.

For a moment, Jiang Sa was a little angry. She was driven out just because she gave birth to a son with a mental disorder. How could her family members be so inhuman!

Then, Jiang Sa looked at himself.

He seemed to have been kicked out of the house before.

Jiang Sa laughed at himself. How interesting it was.

Jiang Sa decided and said, "You can't move these days. I'll take care of the child."

Xie Wan was in a dilemma, but thinking of her situation, she said, "Thank you."

"It's what I should do," said Jiang Sa.

After exhorting the nurses, Jiang Sa left the hospital and decided to go to the address provided by Xie Wan.

They arrived at the urban village of Jiang City.

The village in Jiang City was a little messy, completely inferior to the brilliance of Jiang City.

It could be said that the urban village and Jiang City were two completely different worlds.

To the villagers in the city, Jiang City was like an unreachable fairyland.

People living in Jiang City are all like living immortals who do nothing all day and enjoy themselves every day.

But Jiang Sa knew that it was not the case. It could only be said that the two had their difficulties.

It was known to all that many people in Jiang City envied the peace of the village in the city and wanted to get rid of the noise.

The village in the city was like a maze. Even Jiang Sa has a sense of direction, also lost several times.

After a long walk, Jiang Sa finally arrived at the gate of Xie Wan's house.

As soon as he got downstairs, his forehead frowned.

In front of him, several strong children were beating and kicking a thin child.

The other passers-by seemed to turn a blind eye to it. Most of them just took a look at it and walked over in silence.

They didn't try to dissuade them at all.

Jiang Sa shouted, "What are you doing? Stop right now!"

The children were stunned and turned to look at Jiang Sa with mockery in their eyes.

Standing in the front, the child king said with disdain, "Which gang are you from? Tell me now."

Jiang Sa said in impatience, "Which gang am I from? Do you know what you are doing? Bully the weaker with more."

The child king said contemptuously, "Oh, I see. You're here to make trouble. I haven't seen you before. You're new here, right? Tut. Don't you ask me who I am?"

Then the child king waved his hand.

The children behind gathered around Jiang Sa.

These children were notorious bullies in the urban village. When several children fought together, the adults didn't dare to hurt them, and they could be unscrupulous, which also caused few people to be willing to discipline them.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Sa got out of the encirclement and came to the child king.

Looking down at the child king, with a cold expression in Jiang Sa's eyes, he slapped him on the left face.

The child king's face was red and swollen with several crisp sounds.

Jiang Sa said, "Who are you?"

"Just wait and see!" The child king was so angry that he left with several children.

Jiang Sa turns to look at the little boy who had been beaten up, giggled even though he was bullied. It must be the child of Xie Wan.

Jiang Sa took the children upstairs, came to Xie Wan's house.

"What's your name? Are you hungry?" Asked Jiang Sa.

"My name is Xie Zhiming." The child touched his belly and nodded.

Taking a look at the fridge, Jiang Sa found that there was no food left.

"I'm going to buy some food and come back. Wait for me at home. Don't go anywhere."

After enjoining the child, Jiang Sa went out to buy some food.

After Jiang Sa left, the child king wiped the tears on his face and brought the parents here.

The father of the child king was a famous gangster in this area, and his child also inherited this.

Like father, like son.

The boy's father came to the gate of the Xie Wan's house and kicked the door open vigorously. He looked around and found that there was no one but this silly boy.

The father of the child king was a little angry. He grabbed Xie Zhiming and punched him to vent his anger.