Chapter 152 The Bloodthirsty Nature of Outlaws

Then, he took these people to their temporary shelter in the deep mountain without a stop.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here? Let me go!"

Along the way, Liu Yan's mouth was covered and her eyes were covered. She didn't gain her freedom until she entered the cave and immediately began to struggle intensely.

The Poisonous Wolf was not spoiling her. He just shook his hand and slapped Liu Yan.


A slap came over and left five fingerprints on Liu Yan's face.

"Why do you hit me? I..."


When Liu Yan was about to say something, the Poisonous Wolf slapped her again.

After two slaps in a row, Liu Yan stopped shouting.

"All right!"

The Poisonous Wolf said indifferently, "Mrs. Liu Yan, right? I'm here to solemnly declare to you!"

"There is no enmity between us. As long as you cooperate with us obediently, I won't make things difficult for you!"

"What do you want to do?" Liu Yan asked.