Chapter 169 Professional Hater

Then King Han Ming called out two men with cropped hair.

Although the two men with cropped hair were dressed in suits and ties, they looked a little gentle.

However, when they came into contact at a close distance, one could feel their uniqueness.

The two men were murderous and fierce.

And it was different from killers murderous, Jiang Sa think these two people should be soldiers and went to the battlefield.

"Okay, go on!"

One of the flat-headed men threw a wooden dagger at Jiang Sa.

This wooden dagger was very similar to the dagger used by Jiang Sa, but because it was wooden, the quality of it was much lighter.

After the two sides entered the battle ring, King Han Ming announced the beginning of the competition.

The two men with cropped hair were very capable of assisting each other. After the competition officially began, the two of them came to suppress Jiang Sa from different directions.