Chapter 187 Don't Provoke Me

To get rid of the entanglement, Liu Ruman seldom stayed at home in the daytime. After returning home in the evening, she directly went to sleep and rarely talked with Liu Yan.

Today, when Fat Dragon went to their home to "provoke", he had to ask for 300 dollars for hard work. As a result, he had a dispute with Liu Yan.

To please Liu Yan, Sun De took the initiative to stand up for Liu Yan and teach the Fat Dragon a lesson.

However, within a second, he was stabbed by the Fat Dragon.

The Fat Dragon was a professional killer. He stabbed Sun De in the vital part and he died on the spot.

Then the Fat Dragon threatened Liu Yan with a knife. Liu Yan handed over all her money, and even her luggage was taken away by the Fat Dragon.

After all the treasures were plundered, the Fat Dragon slapped Liu Yan twice and claimed that he would kill Liu Yan in a month.

Liu Yan was so frightened that she passed out immediately.