Chapter201 Sit on A Mountain and Watch the Tiger Fight

Most importantly, Jiang Sa found something very important.

After these days of contact, the relationship between Ye Fenglai and Liu Ruman eased a lot.

It was hard to tell whether Liu Ruman accepted Ye Fenglai or Ye Fenglai accepted Liu Ruman.

The two girls were willing to follow Jiang Sa at the same time.

About a week after Yao Yao's call, Jiang Sa received a call from Sun Lin again.

Sun Lin told Jiang Sa a piece of even more shocking news: Anna is pregnant.

"Jiang Sa, you'd better come back as soon as possible, or else you will have to help her count the money after she sells you!"

Sun Lin specially told Jiang Sa, "If you don't have a crush on Anna, don't let her control your property!"

"The capital flow of Heaven Entertainment City is as high as hundreds of millions every day. It's too terrifying to let an unreliable person control it!"

"Yes, Sun Lin. I will attach great importance to this matter!"