Chapter 211 Tense Scene

Seeing that Ye Gaofeng and Sun Lin were about to fight, Jiang Sa stopped them in a hurry.

"Now we are in a very dangerous situation. I hope you two can put the overall situation first!"

Sun Lin glared at him and retorted, "Ye Gaofeng, I warn you, after this matter is over, we will divorce!"

"If you don't go the right way with me, I can't live with you anymore!"

Ye Gaofeng had a general view of the situation and stopped quarreling with Sun Lin.

Then he continued, "I think about it carefully. Zier's injury has just healed, and it may not be suitable for strenuous activities!"

"I'll take Feilin to attract enemies. You guys move quickly!"

Sun Lin retorted, "Your plan is not feasible!"

"Feilin and you both belong to the power type practitioner!"

"And Feilin's state, which is several levels lower than yours!"

"It will be very dangerous for him to carry out this task!"

"Zier's state is not much different from Feilin's, but she is a speed-type practitioner!"