Chapter 247 You Are Not Qualified

"Letting them return to the east continent alive is already my greatest forgiveness for them!"

"No matter how tolerant I am, I can't tolerate such a thing to happen a second time."

At this time, Liu Yan also got up from the ground.

Pointing at Jiang Sa, she retorted, "Jiang Sa, don't shed crocodile tears here!"

"You are the real culprit!"

"If you hadn't been with this... Ye Fenglai, Man wouldn't have divorced you!"

"It's your fault, a heartbreaker. Man's not wrong. You're the one who should leave!"

Jiang Sa said in a low voice, "Even if I give this house to Liu Ruman, you are not qualified to live here!"

"You little bastard, you..."

"Fenglai, send them out!"

Liu Yan wanted to continue, but Ye Fenglai raised her hand directly.

An unreasonable shrew like Liu Yan could only be cured by Ye Fenglai, the little Yaksha.

After being threatened by Ye Fenglai, Liu Yan went silent immediately.