Chapter 267 Hyde Charity Foundation

"Where is the account information of the depositor?" Ye Fengyi was overjoyed. She felt that she was infinitely close to the core of the truth.

But at this time, Jiang Sa poured a basin of cold water on her. "This depositor's account is not a personal account, but a joint account called Hyde Charity Foundation!"

"Hyde Charity Foundation?"


Jiang Sa said in a low voice, "Hyde Charity Foundation is a global charity organization!"

"Tens of thousands of people from all over the world will donate money to this charity foundation every year!"

"In addition, this charity foundation will regularly donate food, clothing, and other materials to the women and children in some poor areas every year!"

"It's really hard to investigate..."


Ye Fenglai also frowned, "The reward for killing you came from the account of a charity foundation?"

"Maybe I get it wrong... But I checked it several times and it was exactly that account number!"