Chapter 323 False Friends Are Worse than Bitter Enemies

As for Monica's future, he had no choice but to let her rot.

To be exact, Monica lacked experience in power struggles.

She didn't prepare well and launched fierce resistance, which led to complete failure and loss of hope.

If she could accumulate more power secretly before she broke up with Oris, she might succeed.

Unfortunately, there would never be so many ifs in this world. There was only one chance, and if one lost it, it would never come back.

On the morning of the second day, Ye Fenglai summoned several main members of the Ye family and began to discuss how to rescue Sun Lin.

Before Jiang Sa came to the Montenegro Kingdom, the Ye family had discussed this matter several times.

But the results of their discussion were almost the same.

What Ye Gaofeng meant was that he supported Sun Lin to regain the throne of the island owner and completely control the Sinless Island. The other members of the Ye family also agreed with Ye Gaofeng.