Chapter 353 Being Tricked

Once the modern war broke out, even a master like Ye Gaofeng couldn't protect himself in the chaos, let alone an impetuous girl.

A battlefield with bullets flying was not a place you have to pretend to be strong.

Ye Gaofeng gave Ye Zilong a very strict order, keeping her under house arrest for some time and preventing her from making trouble.

After confiscating her phone and putting her under house arrest, Ye Fenglai realized that she was tricked by Jiang Sa.

In the palace of the Montenegro Kingdom.

Several engineers in suits were giving a detailed investigation report to Oris.

"We have explored seven oil fields within 5000 square kilometers around the Black Mud Forest Islands!"

"The comprehensive reserves of the seven oil fields are about 45 billion tons, among which 17 billion tons are difficult to exploit!"

"But there are about 2 billion high-quality reserves in the shallow sea area, which are suitable for large-scale mining!"

"So many?"