Chapter 369 To Hit Somebody Where It Hurts

"It's too strange!"

After checking the account list carefully, Jiang Houfei couldn't help frowning.

"In the past three years, the Sinless Island Commercial Company has appealed against us 7 times!"

"We've lost 7 times. These guys are picking on us and blackmailing us. Why should we cooperate with them?"

"What's wrong with the manager of the 3rd branch company?"

The secretary suggested, "I'll call the 3rd branch company right now to confirm the situation!"

"Don't bother!"

Jiang Houfei waved his hand and said, "I'll go to ask him face-to-face!"

Something was wrong with this kind of thing. How could it be explained clearly on the phone?

Jiang Houfei directly drove to the 3rd branch company and found the person in charge of the client, Hu Qing.

Hu Qing was the vice general manager of the 3rd branch company, mainly responsible for the business of foreign trade.

Since the chairman of the board of directors came in person, Hu Qing naturally gave a warm welcome.