Chapter 397 A Narrow Escape

After confirming that Ye Fenglai's life was not in danger, Sun Lin slumped on the ground and was completely exhausted.

The night passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the second morning.

When Ye Fenglai woke up, she found herself lying on the warm bed and Sun Lin was holding a cup of hot soup beside the bed.

"Grandma, where is my husband?"

The first thing Ye Fenglai did when she opened her eyes was to ask about Jiang Sa.

It would be fine if she didn't ask that. But now her question embarrassed Sun Lin

"Fenglai, he..."

Sun Lin replied with hesitation, "You'd better have a good rest. Jiang Sa will be fine!"

"Where is my husband now?"

Ye Fenglai soon realized that Sun Lin was perfunctory to her obviously!

Realizing this, Ye Fenglai became anxious.

Sun Lin had no choice but to explain, "I can't tell you the specific location of Jiang Sa now!"

"But there is one thing I can be sure of. He must be still alive now!"