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"I have clothes I can wear you know," I say, my hand akimbo. He only smiles.
"I know you do but it's your graduation. You need a new dress and we are getting it today" He insists.
"It's in a week we have plenty of time" I try reasoning with him but he would have none of such.
"Exactly! hardly enough time to get you ready"
"It's more than enough time. I have clothes and shoes and I'll just leave my hair down" I say, smiling at him.
"We are getting new clothes and shoes today. You forgot to mention jewellery. A make-up artist. Your hair. Let's get to it!" He says as he put on his shirt leaving me shocked. Is he being serious right now?
"You're joking right?" I ask to be sure and he laughs.
"No, I'm not," he says, carrying me up.
"Don!! Let me down!" I scream at him. He drops me.