S1: Chapter 2 - New Master

This academy is huge. No wonder all the people from around the country are coming to study here... - As Leyce was was going back to the restaurant after looking his test results, it was already dark outside. With no one around Leyce started talking to himself again.

- No one mentioned that I need to wield sword in order to enter the academy *sigh*.

Deep voice was heard from behind.

Leg in front of his leg, hand on the back and a little push were more than enough to put Leyce against the ground..

- Do you really think that wielding a sword is the only issue here? Even in hand to hand combat, you can't do anything. Not to mention the fact that you didn't even realise that someone was behind you.

Laying there in shock, unable to do anything Leyce was too stunned to speak.

- Wha-

- You aren't in position to talk. And you don't deserve to ask questions. If you really want to join the academy you must fight the rest of contestants. And all of them trained past few years just for this very event. Given your current condition, you should just as well turn around and go back home. Passing written tests means nothing.

And mysterious men disappeared.

- Where did he go? So fast-

...Few days later...

- Kid are you listening? Not to mention, your food will get cold. Better eat up.

- I don't feel like eating now... Sorry.

- I have no idea why are you sad. You passed the test, you should be happy. I really can't teach you anything else. I'm not the person who fight people. Even when I was younger, I could never do anything like that. So I think you should go ahead and find yourself a master.

- A master?

- That's right. Someone who will take you in and teach you basics of swordsmanship. If you start right away, you could maybe even have chances to pass final exam.

- Old men is right. I can't waste time like this.

I'll do it. I'll find myself a master.

And not anyone. I'll meet him, I'll meet the men from that night again.

The next morning Leyce woke up earlier than usual. Got dressed and went out to begin his search. He was searching everywhere. Asking people of the kingdom, anyone he would run into.

- Do you by any chance know an older men, dressed in black/red longer suit, with shorter pale red hair?

-- Excuse me do you kn -

- I'm sorry, do you by any chance know anyone that looks lik-

And so on and so on, the search was unsuccessful. Men from that night was nowhere to be found. Whole day out, going through the city he isn't familiar with, Leyce didn't give up. However, luck was not on Leyce's side, as sun began to set, Leyce started losing hope. But he wasn't ready to give up yet.

Walking back to restaurant where he was staying, depressed, tired, unsatisfied, with no hope left so over, with his head down, someone appeared before him.

- You gave up. Is that how will you deal with final exam as well?

Lifting his head up, wide open eyes and mouth, Leyce couldn't believe it.

- Don't get so worked up. Unless your head is always up, and you're not walking forward through life, you will never accomplish anything. And the sight I just encountered is young man, whom is supposed to be at top of his strength, looking down on himself. Explain yourself, just what is it that you want from me?

- I.. I want..... I want you to take me under you and train me!

- Definitely no. There's no point in doing so. You should know that much yourself. You're not worth my time. It's all for nothing.

- Even if it is, there are just some things that I want to do. There were many thing in life that I couldn't do, and at the end of the day, I always felt about them. However, this is something I have to do. There is no other way around it, unless I get the chance to stay here and explore this world I will never be able to find the truth behind all of this.

Smirk smile was sent in Leyce's direction. It wasn't bitter smile. It wasn't sarcastic, but pure and faithful.

- Good job. You passed the test.

- What?

- You didn't give up. Until the very end. Even when you were turned down many times, even when you couldn't find me the whole day. What I see in front of me, is young men with clear goal in mind driven by sole purpose of fulfilling his intentions. Fine by me, I will take you to training. However, don't expect it to be easy. And don't think that you will pass the final exam just by undergoing my training. We are short on time and it will be tough. Get ready, we will start tomorrow morning.

- Thank you so much! Umm, what would Your nam-

And with that, he vanished again.

After telling the story to Tadahiro at the restaurant, he was happy to hear it.

- I'm glad. Good luck Leyce, I will come to watch you at the final exam. Train hard and surprise us all.

- Thank you for everything Tadahiro san!

In early hours Leyce's new trainer was in front of the restaurant. And just like that, Leyce's story went down a new path.

To Be Continued...