God Of Lighting / Red Rose Daughter (S1: CH 7)

The two of them, Leyce and Akane were getting to know each other until all of a sudden.

- Leyce!

Akane jumped and pushed Leyce out of the way, while reflecting the following attack.

Shocked, Leyce got back on his feet and he was well aware that they were under attack.

- Oh, you're good. Isn't it embarrassing to be protected by a girl?

- I-

- Stay back Leyce. I'll take care of this.

- Haha, you are brave one aren't you? It's amazing how you managed to see my attack.

- If I'm not mistaken, Darkness isn't it?

- That's right. Same goes for my name, Kuragari.

His pinkie finger is black. Is he one of five fingers I've heard of? - though Leyce.

- Then, we shall finish this quickly.

Darkness Element: Midnight Camouflage

He's coming. He is invisible as well. In that case, I need to cover all areas around me.

Red Rose: Crimson Petals

The clash begun. Kuragari was nowhere to be seen, Akane was trying to cover area with her attack so that he can't pass through and Leyce... He was standing aside while holding guard and getting ready for attack. However, he was no more than ordinary human. Tension was growing and everyone was looking forward, awaiting the attack.

Long lasting silence was canceled with Leyce's scream after being kicked into head.

He came from behind?! - two of them thought

- That is what you get for letting a girl protect you.

Now die, weakling.

Red Rose: Crimson Thorn

Akane jumped over Leyce and clashed Kuragari once again. This time, with less luck as Kuragari's second attack got through, and pierced her shoulder. With Akane now injured, unable to do much, it was all down to Leyce.

- Such a shame you are. Utter failure. I guess unless you see people around you die, you will never understand this lesson. This is the cruel reality we are living in. Only the strong ones survive, only the strong ones will bound to anything and rule the World.

His mind was empty. Listening to words that were coming from Kuragari's mouth, filled with anger and disappointment, his body acted on its own. This time, Leyce protected Akane. After stopping the upcoming attack, two men started exchanging blows. Clearly, Leyce was losing the fight. He was being kicked, punched over and over again.

- How long will you play like this for? Can't you really do anything at all? Why even bother struggling when it doesn't mean anything in the end? You deserve to die! Just a failure, that's all you are !

Squeezing his sword, Leyce was sick of hearing it. Being called a failure, underachiever. He was fed with it.

- In both Worlds, this and mine, same things repeat. I never ounce to anything. Or at least that's what people tell me. However, this time, just this once in my life, someone was on equal terms with me. Someone gave me hope and and a reason to try. He reached out to me and teached me, that "as long as I walk with my head high up and clear goal in mind, I'll be able to move forward." And this time, I will protect her!

- Let's see you then. Now you look more like a men. However....

Darkness Element: Phantom Li-

Leyce threw his sword. And just before it made contact with Kuragari, he grabbed it mid-air and kicked him forward with insane strength, canceling Kuragari's move.


While he was flying behind, it seemed as Lighting struck Leyce, whom spawned before him once again. This time, there was no way out. Once Leyce started slashing him, Lighting fast, it was close to over.

While constantly slashing him, a lighting was connected to Leyce from the sky, slowly making him glow from legs to head. As if he was being charging with electricity.

As Leyce pushing him forward through air, thunders were striking aside of them, making the whole forest burn in fire.

However, Kuragari was focused on something else. Shocked, by sight before him, he couldn't even notice anything else. Anything but that Blue eye that Leyce had. One eye was normal, brown, and the other turned Electric Blue in the middle of the fight.

An... Eye holder?! THIS GUY??

Completely charged with Lighting, continuous slashes came to an end, with Leyce cutting Kuragari's head while spinning, and slamming it back into the body right after.

Lighting Dunk

Together with the slam, enormous Lighting struck from the sky, and went straight through the head into Kuragari's neck, crushing his entire body. Breaking all the bones in his body into pieces, burning skin off of those same bones, and pulverizing blood. It all happened in the blink of an eye as lighting was released from Leyce's sword, marking the end of the battle.

- L... Ley.. ce - barely conscious Akane was trying to call out for him.

As fight was going on, first and second group met.

- What's going on with that Lighting??

- Is everyone okay?

- Whole forest is on fire!

As everyone was busy thinking of such things, Kagutsuchi and Himanishu were thinking the same thing. If the two of them over there are Akane and Leyce, and Akane uses Red Rose technique... Then is the Leyce the one who used the Lighting?

- Himanishu, do you think the same thing as I'm thinking?

- We will see that later. Everyone, head right over there and meet with Akane and Leyce. Bring them here as soon as possible. If something goes wrong, make sure to singal me!

- Got it - all of them said as they headed towards the flames.

Kaichi on the other hand was depressed.

If it really is him... An average person unlocks their element on second mission. This is our third, he should be under average for not unlocking it... Yet he... He... Could he really be the one who used that lighting just now???

- No way he lost.... Weaklings like you couldn't beat him - through tears said Kayra.

- Oh you're still talking? Maybe I should break your arms next?

- HIMA, BEHIND YOU! - yelled Kagutsuchi

Before she could even turn, mysterious man picked Kayra and disappeared into the forest.

- Fuck, there was more of them?!

- Looks like. And who knows how many more there are. We should leave for now, before anyone else gets hurt.

- You're right...


Leyce, Akane... Please be fine, both of you! Don't die on us, not like this! - Kagutsuchi thought to himself.


To be continued