Chapter 3

The next day at kaupang was brought on by the jeers and shouts, Rollo ivarson runs the gauntlet of stones and turf. He staggers down the line of people, women as well as men, throwing the missiles at him. Sigurd watches with Olaf , at first enjoying the comic aspects of the scene then wincing slightly as Rollo is struck by stone after stone, staggers, and starts to bleed. Olaf offers the boy a stone. Sigurd looks uncertain. ' you have to' Olaf says to his son after which he turns and throws the stone himself at rollo, hitting his leg. Rollo struggles on, everyone still enjoying the comedic aspects. With a laugh Harold throws a large rock at rollo, which hits his head and makes him cry out with pain.

Sigurd grabs a handful of turf and throws it, missing easily and deliberately.

Bleeding heavily, but alive, rollo crawls the last few yards to the end of the line, where with renewed hilarity a bucket of cold water is poured over his bleeding head, and he emerges grinning like a madman.

Then Earl and his entourage appear, the housecarls bringing Rollo ivarson to his execution. Rollo hands, unlike at the trial, are now unbound, and he walks resolutely up to the wooden block on which he will be decapitated.

He smiles at the crowds gathered around him, and acknowledges the dead man's family.

'Why does he smile father' Sigurd asked 'He wants to die well, with no fear to atone for his sins' his father reply's leaving Sigurd confused.

'Cattle die, kinsfolk die, weourselves must die. But one thing I know will never die a dead man's reputation. Remember that, young Sigurd.'

Rollo kneels on the grass and puts his head on the stone. A housecarl with an axe approaches, first lays the blade of the axe flat on his head, then presents the blade for him to kiss. Rollo kisses the blade eagerly, and almost tenderly.

Siguard turns his head away.

'You must watch - for his sake. This

is his only hope of reaching Valhalla.' Said Olaf

Sigurd forces himself to watch.

The axe falls, striking off rollo's head, which rolls away into the grass.

Jarl picks up the head and contemptuously tosses it to the dead man's family and said 'Here. Feed it to your pigs. I curse

him. May he never enter Valhalla.'

Olaf looks shocked,He's not the only one 'Why did he do that?' Sigurd asked

'I don't know. He should not have

done. Not according to our law. He must have wanted that land himself but you see Sigurd this is how things are done hear you would do well to remember it' Said Olaf

And he exchanges a meaningful glance with Harold.

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