Chapter 14

Olaf who was filled with rage with how his family was treated looked at the jarl kalv and asked him 'what are you trying to do with my family?' Kalv knew that this would create issue but answered 'just moving them out off my land after all you ran away and all the treasure here is mine so I should thank you for bringing it for me,' this made the people unhappy as this was not his and yet kalv would take all of it to get at Olaf, 'I see, so you are a man with no honor your not a true Viking, only know know how to play tricks and dance around and steal from his people,' Olaf said then turned to look at the people and said 'is this the kind of leader you want one who will steal from you to satisfy himself and doesn't care about the way we live, as Vikings!'Olaf got the people cheering then looked to kalv and saw rage in his eyes and knew it was the right moment, and continued 'well no more, I Olaf hardasson challenge you to a duel winner takes kaupang!' And the voices of surprise was left as they didn't see this coming jarl kalv looked at Olaf and knew he was in a hard place as if he refused the challenge he would be seen as a coward and he still considered himself as a true Viking so he looked at Olaf and said 'I accept your challenge!'

The men started making the circle for the fight as jarl walk to his wild helga and told her that he'll kill the fool and they can have a good night later and then entered the circle, while Olaf stood with Astrid and told her that he'll make her from farmer to a jarl after this to which she smiled he then kissed his daughter head and said not to worry about him then looked Sigurd and said 'son watch me, I'll show you how we Vikings live and fight,' to which Sigurd nodded worried for his father as Olaf entered the circle.

Olaf steps into the circle of people ready to face Jarl kalv. Halfdan explains how they can only have one of any type of weapon and one shield with no replacements. They both choose sword and shield. The two begin to face off in fierce close quarter combat. Matched evenly in combat, Olaf tried to strike the Earl but his sword is broken. The Jarl hits back with his shield which meets Olaf's shield in force, splitting both of them. Olaf tosses his shield and sword down and grabs an axe. The Jarl does the same. The duel continues, the two become locked up with their axes, Olaf overpowers the Jarl and hits him in the face with the handle of the axe. Stunned the Jarl continues to approach Olaf, the two become locked again with their axes. The Jarl swings hard and slices part Olaf's chest. Causing blood to pour out and Olaf to stagger whilst holding his chest. The Jarl grabs Olaf and goes for the killing blow to the head, Olaf grabs the Jarls axe knees him and disarms him. Olaf moves behind the Jarl and slices his back with his axe. The Jarl falls to the ground, looking up at the sky. Astrid happy that she won't be losing her husband,Olaf tells the Jarl that Odin is watching and that one of them is going to Valhalla Olaf slits the Earls right writst. As helga rushes over screaming for her husband, he tells her that he is going to be drinking with their sons in Valhalla. Jarl kalv dies from blood loss soon after. Halfdan demands Kalv's men to kill Olaf to which none oblige. Harold grabs an axe and slams it into Halfdan chest, In shock he attempts to pull it out but drops to the ground. Helga and everyone else hail Olaf as the jarl of kaupang, Olaf stood tall looking around seeing that he had power and that meant he could do more raids to the west and may find new lands and looked to his wife who came to home with his children as they stood together and he told her 'I told you that we are destined for great things,this is only the beginning,' to which Astrid smiled happy that her husband won and was the jarl and said ' i already knew you had a great destiny or else this would have been a boring marriage,' to which Olaf smirked and looked to the Odin statue not sure of what's to come next but he would meet the challenges head on.