Chapter 19

In England after the warriors attack on the town of Durham, the Vikings collected their loot and slaves and headed back to their camp, as they where traveling back, they noticed a small army ahead of them and Olaf who was leader shouted ' well men it's seems we will finally have a challenge for a change,' which got cheers from the warriors, The Vikings dropped their loot on the ground and prepared to battle. The Saxons made the first move by firing a volley of arrows. Olaf immediately shouted to form a shield wall, protecting the Vikings from enemy fire. Then, Saxon Lord ordered his troops to charge, to which Olaf responded in kind the two forces run towards each till they clashed against each other, the fight lasted for a while but the Northmen slowly started to gain the upper hand in all the fighting and although They lost men during the fight, the Northmen managed to emerge victorious. The remnants of the Northumbrian host, along with Saxon Lord who saw they lost fled from the battlefield and this after the battle the bloodied Vikings roared in victory as Olaf looked and was happy as he enjoyed the fight and looked as he saw his brother chase after the fleeing Saxons, Olaf looked to the rest of his men and told them to collect the loot and slaves, and point to handful to burry their dead as they moved back to their camp.

At the capital of Northumbria the king received the news of their loss, king was not happy about and asked his advisors 'How could this happen, defeated bring me the lord that was defeated,' that was when the door was open and the commander was brought in and told 'explain how you were defeated?' To which he responded 'Sire, I have never in my life seen

men fight as these northmen fight. Believe me, there's something devilish in the way they look, in their lack of fear in the face of death.' Well be of the lords interrupted and said ' word from a coward' the king seemed to be in agreement and said 'Are these pagans not men, like we are? Do they not bleed when they are cut? Or do they have wings and tongues of fire?' To which the confer responded 'no sire,' the king asked 'who are they?' To which the commander responded, 'we don't know but we capture a scout of theirs, we didn't understand whaat he said but repeated a name,' king looked and asked 'what is the name?' The commander answered 'Olaf.'