Chapter 33

After resting the army formed and march north towards their target dunkeld, after marching through the picts territory and destroying all the settlements in the area they reached near the place of their target when one of the scouts came to Olaf and said "my lord we have found the army where it's gathering" Ragnar said " they should be in their stronghold," to which the scout said "no the army is out in the open away from the castle," Olaf look further ahead and said "well if they make it easy, then we will attack immediately, since they decided on underestimating us," he looked at his son and said "you will lead the vanguard of the attack, can you do it," the young man smiled excited at the responsibility and said "I will, I won't disappoint."

The father smiled and let his son go ahead with his force as they move to the target came to what was a surprising site as the saw a foe of 4 times the size of the vanguard retreating as they were being hunted, Ragnar who saw this said " no it's not fair I thought this would be hard," he then decide to run ahead to join attack the fleeing enemies, Olaf looked and thought on he looked at floki and said "take Ragnar force and join him and Sigurd and continue pushing northern and crush them all and the army broke in half and went forward while the other half turn and marched to dunbarton.

After traveling for a day they arrived at the siege camp and Olaf went to sweyn who hugged him and said "thank you for attacking as quickly as you did, soon I will take the city," Olaf smiled and said "this is your attack I came to observe since I don't feel like going back now, plus it was Sigurd and his vanguard that defeated them," sweyn nodded as he knew already from his scouts on what happen, with the joining of the two forces they put more pressure on the castle and soon it was breached and the Vikings started pouring in and destroyed and looted the city, Olaf after seeing this told sweyn to return to York after he finished and marched with a small force back to York.

When he arrived two days later he saw that auslag was there with Harold and he told them that they have gain massive wealth and lands for more of their Viking people to settle if they want and that after all their forces return apart from the small forces that will garrison the castles they can return back to Norway as this has been a long time they spent in England, to which they all agreed on, 3 days later sweyn came back with the forces and loot and stayed in York after they took all that was valuable of the capital of strathclyde, after another 4 days Ragnar and Sigurd returned and they said they crush the picts and march up to all the way to attack dunnotar and burghead and took any wealth they could get and returned, Olaf smiled and said put it on the ships we will return back home.

The following day the Vikings left York to sail home as had come and destroyed two different kingdoms and left land for Vikings to go and settle on, 6 days later they reach kaupang and when they came out the other Vikings spoke of their battles and victories that came with it and there was louder cheered as Olaf walked with his son through the crowd as all Vikings looked like they wanted to join the next raid for riches and glory as was the Viking way.

When they entered the hall Olaf smiled as he watch his son go and hug his sister and brother then went to his mom who hug him and said "my boy you look like a man and sure you have tales of great fights," too which Olaf interrupted when he pick ubba and kissed his daughters forehead and said "he did well in all the battles he fought no Saxon weapon could touch him even when he was surrounded, I named hi Sigurd ironside," this brought a smile to her as she knew Olaf doesn't praise people easily and that he spoke with pride showed that her son did great things "Sigurd ironside, that's a good name," gyda asked " what else did you do brother," to which the boy said "I got to be the second to Ragnar when we attacked a Saxon city, after that I went with him to join father and we march north to face the picts and father gave me the vanguard and I charged ahead and face an army four times my size and we won the battle," this made Astrid look at Olaf who said "he did well so I gave him men to lead and he may be rash but he's learning he attacked two more cities and after that we left, with all the loot and now people will sing praises of Sigurd the man who crushed the picts," this man the boy smile as he didn't think that he would be known as that and Astrid talked " so you will stay for the year and said to attack France next year," to which Olaf said "no we will stay for 2 week and sail out again,' to which gyda who wanted to know asked "where will you go?" Olaf smiled and said "well from what I have learned there is land if you go round grands and sail down the land to a new country and that there is a sea in between two lands called the Mediterranean and that's where I will go with Sigurd to explore and see new lands and adventure," to which Sigurd said " yes father asked if I wanted to come and I agreed, we will go with 60 ships and leave the rest of the army here back home," Astrid nodded and accepted it as most of the army will stay back in Norway and spoke " will the other jarls join?" To which Sigurd answered "only Ragnar and sweyn, they too wanted to join sweyn wants to see if there is new land and Ragnar wants to just fight new types of warriors," Olaf spoke " enough of this lets feast and celebrate a successful raid we had."