Chapter 38

In cordoba the army camp to the peoples cheers as they went in the city and they reached the emirs castle who was waiting to welcome them and later in the day the victors did what victors always do, have fun and that's what they did as they continued to enjoy the foods and wine that the cordoba people have in the middle of it the emir was speaking with Olaf and said " don't worry your wealth will be in Lisbon where you can pick it after your return," to which Olaf nodded in gratitude and the Vikings rested for 3 days.

After the the three days they went on their ships with the people waving goodbye to them and with their ships resupplied sailed the river back to the sea.

After a day of moving the river they reached the sea and moved further in the Mediterranean Sea, the ship had been sailing for days and Sigurd went to his father and said "father we are in the middle of nowhere and the supplies are starting to run low and it's starting to go around," to which Olaf said "don't worry about what people might think and have faith in yourself and in the gods that we are on the verge of what Vikings can't even think of, my son thousands of years from now there will be talk of what we have done and the battles we do, there will be stories of how the men Olaf and Sigurd found Spain and sailed further in," he looked forward and smiled and said "having faith can be its own reward," while point and Sigurd who looked saw what to be looking like land and shout " land!" After which all the warriors looked forward and saw and this made them relieved and motivated to row to get to the land.

After reaching the island Olaf sent his men out to pillage and capture locals to learn more of where they where after a few hour supplies where brought and there was people brought but one thing caught Olaf off guard as he could hear them speak French, so he walked to one of them and said "tell me about this is islands and which kingdom rules it," after some scary if them the man spoke " this is Corsica and it's ruler is lothair, after hearing this Olaf smiled and nodded to the men who started killing the people as they were not need anymore.

After resting on the island for a day the ships left what was calvi and sailed way from the coast to not be spotted by the locals easily and after going round the island they reached ghisonaccia and attacked it for more supplies and left to avoid attracting attention and said the open sea straight ahead, while sailing they saw another ship which was near by and Olaf moved his ship near the other and when it was side by side the man on his ship asked "are you mercenaries by chance?" Which Olaf replied " yes we are men who fight for good coin," this brought the man happiness as he spoke " so will you be willing to fight against the tyranny of lothair tyranny if we pay you," to which Olaf looked confused as he knew there was a rebellion happen in the south part of middle frankia but he wanted to know more so the man went explain that there was a rebellion that was happening in Italian part of the country and they felt the could break away from middle frankia and establish their own country but soon reality came or put them in their place as the king march his army south and started destroying their forces piecemeal as they where scattered in different places and now they are few in Tuscany and the king was marching on them. Olaf after hearing it thought it wouldn't help even if he went since the king had up to 10 thousand men with him in his army and they couldn't make a difference and told the man he would think on it. They sailed and saw coast and the man, Angelo told them that they where in papal land and if they traveled for half a day they would reach Rome.

On the shore Ragnar walked to Olaf who was with sweyn and Sigurd and said " so where are we this new land?" Olaf spoke "this is papal state which is under control of a pope who leads the Christian's and is based In Rome if you think about it, this is the same us when it comes to Uppsala, okay so as five will go and see the city and the rest of the army will hid with the boat in the cave we found and see if the city is as great as that man claimed."

After their raid force hid the four Vikings and one priest took horse from the locals and traveled towards Rome after half a day they reached the city and they all had shocked looks as they saw the massive city beyond what they could imagine. Olaf look to a hill and rode to it and the others followed and they saw the entire city with all the stones that were curved out to make the city and sweyn said " I never imagined that a city could be this great," ethelwold spoke " this was once the center of the entire known world but over time it has deteriorated and well what you see is the results of it," Olaf hearing this said " so it was even better years ago, I wish I was here then, so this leader of your religion lives here,so the leader of your religion lives here?" To which he nodded to and looked at the city, Sigurd was feeling small when he saw this and felt happy to witness this city as the one back home felt insignificant compared to this one, Olaf finished with well let's go and take a look and they rode to see what this city had to offer.