Chapter 41

After sailing for two days they reached kaupang,where warriors came out and went to families and start telling them of there adventures and victories that they had gained through Spain,Italy and near Bremen. This fascinated the people to what new lands were found and the slave that returned with them.

Olaf walked while accepting the peoples gratitude, one solider game to him and whispered in his ears which after hearing made him frown but stopped and continued walking which Sigurd noticed and asked "what did the man say?"

To which Olaf said "it's not important, let's meet you brother and sister am sure they missed you," and Sigurd nodded and decided not to ask more on it, as they walked to the hall and Sigurd went to hug his sister after which he did the same to his brother and went to his mother and Olaf did the same.

They sat around and talked about what they saw and learned and Olaf spoke of how Sigurd lost his virginity which made Astrid smile as she saw her son growing.

She was only worried about horik who attacked and asked "what are you going to do about horik?" To Olaf said "for now his power has weakened so nothing but his spy is something I'll have deal with," and Astrid asked "you know the man who gave information to horik on your whereabouts?" Olaf leaned in and said slowly only that Astrid could hear "it's the man that's been visiting you at night," and this brought worry to Astrid who saw that Olaf knew it kept a calm look.

Later it was only Astrid and Olaf in their room, Astrid spoke " Olaf it's not what you think," to which Olaf said "I know you slept with him at least once or else he wouldn't be coming all the time," which Astrid didn't refuse and Olaf stood up and said "I will be sleeping in the hall," as he started to walk Astrid said "Olaf we should talk," to which he said "I gave you everything yet you can't even respect me, if you can't act like my wife then we will be done, I don't feel like completing for your heart when your my wife, so I am going to think on things and whether I should hang my brother is one of them." This brought surprise to Astrid as she knew how much Olaf care of his brother and to hear him say that shows how much he saw this as a betrayal, what they didn't know was gyda listened to the whole thing and she to was worried of her parents future.

In the hall Olaf sat on his throne thinking of how he felt since he saw he wife betrayed him, that was when he her some footsteps and looked but smiled when he saw his daughter and said "gyda it late you should sleep," to which she said "I heard your talk with mother," to which Olaf said "don't worry about it, I am sure things will work out," she walked and sat on the throne next to him and said "I hope you don't divorce mom," to which Olaf said "I don't know gyda, I feel betrayed and your mother did seem bothered about it or lying about it and I know it's been happening for sometime, so for now I need to thing about it but you and I will be always okay remember that," to gyda nodded kissed his forehead and left.

Olaf saw his swift come in and he said "I don't feel like talking," the Astrid said "I know you feel betrayed," but Olaf said " I showed you respects, treat you well, I even gave you power and family yet I wonder what my brother holds over you to be unfaithful to me," to which Astrid said " it was complicated," this made Olaf sad and said "well for Harold a man who was always jealous of me and what we everything I ever had I see that at least he was able to get my wife's heart," which made Astrid respond with " that was before but I only love you, you know that," Olaf not in a talking mood said "well you didn't tell me and hid it, he walked to her and asked " I want the honest truth now " are any of of the children his?" This angered her as she said "no they are all yours," which Olaf said " trust is something I don't have," he then left and Astrid was standing alone when she heard footsteps and saw it was Sigurd who looked with an happy face and Astrid said " what are you doing it's late,"

Sigurd said "you betray father with uncle?" Before Astrid tried to say anything he said "don't lie I heard everything,you even have him questioning wether we are his children," to which Astrid walked to him and said " your are his child you have to believe me," to which Sigurd said "all the time I was with him I saw all the women he could have been with but he didn't touch any of them and he Always said it was because he had a wife waiting for him, for you to break his heart with uncle," and he walked way with a disappointed face leaving Astrid alone to accept that her family was. Angry with her.

The following day olaf was on a large hill that was over looking the entire city when he heard footsteps and saw Astrid there and she said "let me speak, I hurt you and I am sorry you have always been good to me and also our children, I should have shown you the same respect but I will not allow you to doubt that any of them are not yours, they are all yours as I had no man when I was with you," Olaf said "am glad I don't know if there would have been a future if you had," he stood up and said "if you are with him ever again then we are done for good," which Astrid said "okay," and she hugged him, later they walked down and gyda and Sigurd who saw this walked to them and Olaf said "we have resolved it and all is good so left not talked about it again," and they all agreed on it.

In Harold hut he was sitting with helga when men entered and grabbed Harold and brought him before Olaf and shouted " what are you doing brother!' Or which Olaf said "I know you have been informing horik and you can lie all you want but I know," this brought worry to Harold and said "so your going to punish me?" Olaf said I know "you have been wanting to take my throne, After all you told helga," which led him to look at helga and said " you betrayed me?" Helga said I never told him," this was when Harold knew that he was trick and looked at Olaf who said "I treated you well and this is how you repay me," he walked closer and said "I am so angry I have thoughts of carving a blood eagle on your back," this made Harold start worried with Greater levels as he know the terror of the blood eagle and said please brother don't," to which he said " you think I don't know what your obsession with my wife that made it the last time I will let you walk around and take advantage cause I know it will bite me in the back if I let you live so I'll burn you to death.