Tasting the Food He Cooked

Bai Qi was cutting some vegetables in the kitchen when he heard the sound of his sister's laughter. He raised his head and could see his sister and Zhang Li Xue in the living room.

The little fairy was helping his sister with her homework.

As he watched this scene, the corner of his lips could not help but turn up.

He quite liked watching the scene before him. However, seeing Zhang's family princess in his living room made him feel awkward. Her presence was unsuitable with such a background.

Bai Qi lowered his head again as the thought came to his mind. Taking a deep breath, he began to continue working on the vegetables.

He should not make her wait.

Half an hour later, Bai Qi brought the food to the dining table and called the girls to wash their hands and eat.

Zhang Li Xue followed Bai Xi Xi to wash her hands before she went to the dining room.