A Sleeping Little Fairy

A long heavy sigh escaped him as Bai Qi walked out of the operation theatre. His hands were massaging his stiff shoulder.

As he walked out the door, the patient's family stood up and walked over to his side. Their faces were anxious as they were waiting to hear news about their family.

Bai Qi spent a few minutes explaining the situation and saw them breathe in relief. After exchanging a few more words with them, Bai Qi headed out and planned to take a few hours of sleep.

A few hours ago, a patient was brought over to the hospital. He was involved in an accident and would require immediate surgery quickly.

Because he was on duty, Bai Qi had to enter the surgery room with a few others.

It was only a few days ago that he came back from the convention with Doctor Qi. The moment he return, he had to report back to the hospital. It was tiring, but Bai Qi did not mind it.