Visit Li Xue?

Zhang Li Xue blinked once. Twice.

Then, she sat up with her eyes still on Bai Qi. The smile on her face finally convinced her that the person was real.

It was then that Zhang Li Xue remember that she had a fever and was now staying in the TV room with her little brother. She looked around and finally heaved a breath of relief upon seeing that her brother was sleeping soundly. His body turned to the other way and he would not be able to see her and Bai Qi.

"Your uncle had a meeting today," Bai Qi spoke in a low voice. "He asked me to come over to check on you and your brother."

Zhang Li Xue froze for a few seconds. Then, she shrunk into the sofa again as she pulled the blanket to cover her body up to her nose. "Oh, God. I told them that we don't need a doctor. It was just a fever. We'll be fine after drinking some medicine and sleep."

Bai Qi smiled as he recalled meeting his little fairy's mother.