You Will Regret This

After driving for about fifteen minutes, the car finally pulled over in front of the hospital building.

Fang Su Jin tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as she watched as the doctor alighted from her car. The man grabbed his bag before turning to thank her. Without waiting for her reply, Bai Qi then shut the door.

She sat silently watching his figure walking towards the entrance. After a while, Fang Su Jin alighted and called his name, "Doctor Bai, wait up."

His steps halted. Bai Qi turned around slowly and saw that Fang Su Jin was walking in his direction.

There was a puzzled look on his face.

In the car, they both had stayed quiet throughout the journey. Fang Su Jin was someone that he was not used to and he did not know how he could start a conversation with her.

Hearing her call her name made him wonder if there was something wrong.