Something Important to Tell

After leaving her uncle's place, Zhang Li Xue drove over to the east side of the city to attend Mu Zhen Yu's company opening ceremony.

It has been quite a while since she had come to this part of the city.

As she arrived, Zhang Li Xue could not help but look around. It seemed that the development project that her Uncle Li Mu Bai was involved in has gone quite smoothly.

The housing area that her uncle had given her had reached its final phase. Soon, the place would be liveable.

Zhang Li Xue hunted for a parking spot and finally pulled over somewhere close to Mu Zhen Yu's building. Just in time, Mu Zhen Yu's text message arrived.

The corner of her lips tilted up upon noticing that Mu Zhen Yu was anxious that she had not reached the venue yet.

Zhang Li Xue grabbed her purse and alighted her vehicle.

It was not difficult for her to find Mu Zhen Yu's office.