Watching Movie

Zhang Li Xue woke up in the morning to get ready for her meeting with Mu Zhen Yu.

After checking her appearance one more time, she took her purse and left the house in her car.

Last night, the two of them had arranged to meet at the mall and meet in front of the cinema complex a few minutes before the movie was going to start.

Seeing that there is still time before their appointment, Zhang Li Xue decided to walk around the mall to window shop. Then, she went to the cinema complex ten minutes before her meeting with Mu Zhen Yu.

As she approached the cinema, Zhang Li Xue was able to find Mu Zhen Yu from a distance.

Zhang Li Xue stood rooted at her spot.

She could not help but rethink of the matter that has been in her mind for these past few days.

Zhang Li Xue raised her hand and placed it on her heart.

Just as she had thought. Her heart did not flutter when she saw him.