An Unfair Match

Zhang Yi Hai stared at the man beside his sister. His expression remained unchanged.

His eyes did not miss the way his sister was looking at the man.

Although he was not too happy with the current situation, Zhang Yi Hai did not embarrass Bai Qi. He stretched his hand and the two of them shook hands.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Li Xue finally heaved in relief. She loved both her brother and Bai Qi. Of course, she did not want to see them both fighting as soon as they met.

"You're... Uncle Qi Zheng's student."

Zhang Yi Hai finally realized that he had seen this man before.

"That's right." Bai Qi nodded.

Zhang Yi Hai pursed his lips as he turned to his sister again.

When he heard the news that his sister was dating, Zhang Yi Hai thought that his sister was seeing Mu Zhen Yu. But now that the man was someone else, Zhang Yi Hai was unable to react quickly to this news.