The Rumor was True...

After the call ended, Zhang Yi Hai slumped his body on the sofa and let out a heavy sigh.

A few minutes ago, he was still a happy man, wanting to head out to meet his girlfriend. He was all dressed up for the occasion. But something came out and he would not be able to meet his girlfriend today. It felt as if there was no word to describe his disappointment.

Moreover, there was only a day for them to spend their time together. When Fang Su Jin went back to Y City, he would not be able to see her for weeks. Probably month. After all, he did not know whether he would be able to return to Y City within a short time.

Recently, he had taken a long break after his sister was injured in that accident.

However, this was not something he could blame Fang Su Jin. After all, her parents did come to Capital City without telling her in advance. They wanted to surprise their daughter with their arrival, but in the end, the most shocked person was him.